Dupa succesul fantastic al placintelelor dulci din aluat fraged, am facut si varianta sarata, cu branza si chimen :) Sunt o gustare geniala, super usor de luat in geanta dimineata, cand suntem pe fuga si nu apucam sa luam micul dejun si un pachetel ideal pentru intreaga familie, de  la mic la mare :)

Aluat fraged:

  • 300g faina
  • 125g unt
  • 2 oua
  • 2-3 lg apa rece
  • 1 galbenus pentru uns
  • 1 lg seminte de chimen (topping)


  • 120g branza*
  • 1 ou

Pentru aluat framantam cu degetele untul, faina, ouale si apa rece. Cand obtinem o bila de aluat, o transferam pe o suprafata pudrata cu faina si framantam pana nu mai este lipicios aluatul. Il intindem cu sucitorul intr-o foaie de grosime de aprox 4mm.

Umplutura se face maruntind cu furculita branza si amestecand-o cu oul batut. Decupam dreptunghiuri, punem cate 1- 2 lingurite din compozitie in centru si le pliem pe jumatate, sigiland marginile cu furculita.

Am obtinut 10 placintele patrate. In varianta rotunda am decupat cerculete cu diamentrul de 8 cm si am obtinut 19 placintele.

Le ungem cu galbenus si presaram chimen deasupra, apoi le coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C pentru aprox 30-35 min, in functie de cat de mari sunt, cu ventilatia pornita in ultimele minute pana sunt rumenite frumos :) Pofta mare!

*Baby-friendly: Folositi o branza usoara si nesarata ca branzica de vaci, ricotta sau mozzarella proaspata, eu am folosit telemea desarata si mozarella, Ilinca fiind deja maricica :)


After the huge success of the sweet empanadas, I made the savory version of them, with cheese and caraway :) They are a brilliant snack, super easy to grab in the morning, when you don’t have enough time to sit down and have breakfast. And they’re perfect for the lunchbox of the entire family :)


  • 300 g flour
  • 125 g butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 2-3 tbsp cold water
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tbsp caraway seeds (topping)


  • 120 g cheese*
  • 1 egg

For the dough crumble the butter, flour, eggs and cold water using your fingers. When a ball of dough forms, transfer onto a floured surface and knead until not sticky anymore. Roll into a 4 mm thick layer.

The filling is made by crumbling the cheese and mixing it with the beaten egg. Cut out rectangles, place 1-2 teaspoons of filling on one side and fold in half. Seal the edges with a fork and transfer to a large tray lined with baking paper. I got 10 square pies, in the round version I cut out 8 cm circles and got 19 pies.

Grease with egg yolk and sprinkle caraway seeds on top, then bake in the preheated oven at 180 C for approx 30-35 min, depending on their size, with the ventilation on in the last minutes, until they turn golden and crisp. Enjoy!

*Baby-friendly: use a light, unsalted cheese like cottage cheese, fresh mozzarella or ricotta, I used regular desalted cheese and mozzarella because Ilinca is a big girl now :)

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