Prajitura Alba ca Zapada keto. Prajiturile cu foi si crema sunt punctul meu slab, le ADOR :)) Bunica mea le facea destul de rar cand eram mica si ma topeam dupa ele, poate si de aceea :) Ei bine, pornind de la reteta de mega succes a prajiturii keto cu migdale a la Ikea mi-a venit ideea sa refac si clasica prajitura Alba ca Zapada in varianta keto! Fantastica a iesit, blaturi fine ca de bezea, o crema fina si dementiala cu multa lamaie, care poate fi mancata goala, si nelipsitul topping din fulgi de cocos. Pfoai, nu mai zic nimic, doar sa incercati reteta :) (15 patratele a cate 172 cal si 0 g net carbs)


  • 5 albusuri
  • 90g faina de migdale
  • 100g indulcitor (eritritol)
  • 2 lg ulei de cocos
  • 1 lgt esenta de vanilie
  • 1 lgt praf de copt
  • coaja rasa de la 1 lamaie


  • 5 galbenusuri
  • 150g indulcitor (eritritol)
  • coaja rasa fin si sucul de la 3 lamai
  • 200g unt
  • 1 lgt extract de vanilie
  • topping: fulgi de cocos

Pentru foi: batem spuma albusurile cu un praf de sare, adaugam treptat indulcitorul rasnit fin si batem cu mixerul pana obtinem o bezea fina si lucioasa. Adaugam si uleiul de cocos, coaja rasa de la 1 lamaie si vanilia.

Incorporam usor faina de migdale si praful de copt, cernandu-le in bezea si amestecand usor cu o spatula. Impartim compozitia in 3 castronele si coacem cate o foaie intr-o tava de aprox 20*30cm fix 10 min la 170C. Obtinem 3 foi subtirele.

Desprindem hartia de copt cu grija de pe foi si le lasam la racit cu grija pe un blat, pentru ca sunt fragile; mie mi s-a rupt una, dar asta nu m-a oprit! :)))

Pentru crema: Batem spuma galbenusurile cu indulcitorul rasnit fin, adaugam apoi sucul si coaja rasa de la lamai, vanilia. Fierbem crema la Bain Marie pana se ingroasa, apoi o lasam la racit la temperatura camerei.

Mixam untul taiat cubulete si la temperatura camerei in crema de lamaie. Introducem crema in frigider pana se intareste suficient.

Pentru asamblare: tapetam tava racita in care am copt folie cu folie alimentara, punem o foaie, adaugam 1/3 din crema, asezam urmatoarea foaie si tot asa, terminand cu un strat de crema si fulgi de cocos. Mi-a ramas niste crema sa o mananc goala si zau daca mi-a parut rau :))

Introducem prajitura in frigider 3 ore minim. Eu am tinut-o in congelator ca sa se intareasca mai repede si sa o pot felia, ca stiti ca nu am rabdare cand vine vorba de pus retete pe blog :) Pofta mare!


I have always loved cakes with thin sheets and delicious fillings, my grandma used to make these when I was little and I loved them! :) Well, starting from my mega hit Ikea copycat almond cake, I got the idea to remake the classic Snow White cake in keto version :) It turned out amazing! Thin crispy meringue sheets, filling that’s so creamy and with lemon flavor, (I could eat it with a spoon) and of course the coconut topping :) (15 squares of 172 cal and 0 g net carbs each)

Cake sheets:

  • 5 egg whites
  • 90 g almond flour
  • 100 g sweetener (erythritol)
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • grated zest of 1 lemon


  • 5 egg yolks
  • 150 g sweetener (erythritol)
  • grated zest and juice from 3 lemons
  • 200 g butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • topping: desiccated coconut

For the sheets: beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt, gradually adding the ground sweetener and beat them until they form stiff peaks. Add the coconut oil, zest of 1 lemon and vanilla.

Fold in the almond flour and baking powder by sifting them into the egg mix, gently, with a spatula. Divide the mixture in 3 small bowls and bake the 3 sheets in a small pan (20*30cm) 10 min at 170C.

Gently remove the baking paper from the sheets and let them cool on a wooden cutting board; they are fragile, I broke 1, but that didn’t stop me :))

For the filling: Beat the eggs yolks and powdered sweetener until creamy, then add the lemon zest and lemon juice, vanilla. Boil the cream over a pot of simmering water (Bain Marie) until it thickens, then let it cool at room temperature.

Using a mixer, the beat the softened butter (at room temperature) into the lemon cream until smooth and fluffy, then place in the fridge to set.

For assembling the cake: line the cooled pan with clingfilm, place 1 cake sheet in the pan, add 1/3 of the filling, add another sheet and so on, finishing up with a filing layer and desiccated coconut on top. I got some filling left and ate it just like that, but I regret nothing :)))

Put the cake in the fridge to set for at least 3 hours. I kept min in the freezer, because I couldn’t wait to cut it, you know I do that with my blog recipes :) Enjoy!

4 Comments on Prajitura Alba ca Zapada keto / Ket Snow White cake

  1. Buna

    Aceasta reteta este rupta din Rai :) Mi-as face un butoi de crema doar si as manca un borcan la fiecare masa :)) E buna cu totul, nu e chiar atat de greu de facut si este DELICIOASA!!!

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