O prajitura usoara si pufoasa de vara, pentru fanii cheesecake :) Prajitura cu branza de vaci si afine. E super gustoasa si aromata, iar contrastul cromatic intre umplutura de branza si movul afinelor e foarte draguuuuut, nu-i asa? :) Fara zahar, fara gluten si low carb :)

Ingrediente (10 portii): 

Batem ouale cu indulcitorul, adaugam apoi branza de vaci si smantana, vanilia si mixam bine tot. Adaugam faina de cocos, taratele de psyllium, coaja rasa de lamaie.

Turnam compozitia intr-o forma rotunda (diametru 23cm) cu fund detasabil unsa cu unt si tapetat cu hartie de copt. Presaram afinele deasupra, le infigem pe unele cu o scobitoare in interiorul aluatului. Adaugam dulceata de afine si o marmoram usor cu o scobitoare (adica facem miscari circulare, 8-uri, cu scobitoarea :)

Coacem prajtura aprox 1h si 10min – 1h si 15 min min la 180C, pana devine putin ferma la atingere iar centrul tremura doar foarte putin. O lasam sa se raceasca complet, apoi o feliem si o servim. Buna rau! :)

*NU substituiti faina de cocos cu nici o alta faina. Faina de cocos e extrem de absorbanta, de aceea e nevoie de o cantitate foarte mica ;)


A light and fluffy summer cake, dedicated to all cheesecake fans :) Cottage cheese blueberry cake. Super tasty, delicious and the chromatic contrast between the light cheese and purple blueberries is just so pretty, don’t you think? Sugar free, gluten free and low carb :)

Ingredients (10 servings): 

  • 1 kg full fat cottage cheese
  • 200 g sour cream
  • 4 eggs
  • 70 g coconut flour*
  • 2 tbsp psyllium husk
  • 140 g erythritol
  • grated zest from 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 200 g blueberries
  • 2-3 tbsp sugar free blueberry preserve

Beat the eggs and sweetener, then add the cheese, sour cream, vanilla and mix until smooth. Add the coconut flour, psyllium husk and lemon zest.

Pour the dough in a spring-form pan (23 cm diameter) with detachable bottom that’s been greased with butter and lined with baking paper. Sprinkle the blueberries on top, poke some of them with a skewer inside the dough. Add the preserve and marble it through the dough with a skewer.

Bake for 1 h 10 min, 1 h 15 min at 180 C, until firm to the tough and just a little jiggly in the center. Let it cool completely before slicing and serving. Yummm! :)

*Do NOT substitute coconut flour with any flour. Coconut flour is extremely absorbent, that;s why such a small quantity is needed ;)

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