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Prajitura cu mere si curmale, sau ce incropesti cu resturile din camara si frigider :)) Aveam asadar: 2 mere mici si amarate, un pumn mare curmale, cateva mere deshidratate, ulei de cocos, oua si faina, praf de copt. Cu aceste ingrediente am improvizat si am creat o prajiturica aromata si hranitoare :)


  • 5 oua
  • 2 mere mici (150g)
  • 125g curmale
  • 25g mere deshidratate (optional)
  • 40g ulei de cocos
  • 150g faina
  • 1 lgt praf de copt bio

Batem ouale intregi spuma cu un praf de sare, pana isi tripleaza volumul, devin spumoase si se deschid mult la culoare. Pasam la blender merele, curmalele fara samburi, merele uscate si uleiul de cocos pana obtinem o pasta, dar nu extrem de fina, sa mai ramana putina textura de la curmale :) Separat amestecam faina si praful de copt.

Micsoram viteza mixerului la minim si adaugam: intai amestecul de mere si curmale, apoi pe cel de faina. Puteti incorpora aceste amestecuri si manual, usor cu o spatula, pentru a pastra compozitia aerata.

Turnam aluatul intr-o tava dreptunghiulara (aprox 20*30cm) de si coacem prajitura cam 30-35 de min in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C, pana s-a rumenit frumos si trece testul scobitorii. O feliem dupa ce s-a racit putin. Pofta mare!


Date apple pound cake, or how to make a delicious dessert from scratch, with the leftovers in your fridge and pantry :)) So I had: 2 small apples, a large handful of dates, a couple of dried apples, coconut oil, eggs and flour, baking powder. With just these ingredients I improvised a super yummy and nutritious pound cake :)


  • 5 eggs
  • 2 small apples (150 g)
  • 125 g pitted dates
  • 25 g dried apples (optional)
  • 40 g coconut oil
  • 150 g plain flour
  • 1 tsp organic baking powder

Whisk the eggs until they triple in size and become light and fluffy. Blend the apples, dates, dried apple and coconut oil until smooth, but not too much, we want to leave a little texture from the dates :) Separately combine the flour and baking powder.

Lower the mixer speed and add: first the apple puree, then the flour mix. You can incorporate these 2 mixtures by hand, with a spatula, using slow circular down-up movements, to keep the air in the dough.

Pour the dough in a rectangular pan (approx 20*30 cm) and bake for 30-35 min in the preheated oven at 180 C, until brownish on the edges and a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. Slice after it has cooled a little. Enjoy!

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