Weekendul e mai frumos cand incepe cu o prajitura, nu-i asa? :) Si cum am primit cadou spre testare un set de tavi ceramice de la Bialetti, m-am apucat de treaba. Am facut o prajitura cu mere pufoasa, cu aroma de scortisoara si fulgi crocanti de migdale deasupra :) Un alint de weekend :)
- 4 oua
- 1 cana ulei vegetal (200ml)
- 1 cana zahar brun (200g)
- 1 cana faina integrala (150g)
- 1 cana faina alba (150g)
- 1/2 cana lapte de migdale (125ml)
- 1 lgt scortisoara
- 2 lgt praf de copt
- 2 mere medii taiate cubulete
- o mana de fulgi de migdale pentru topping
Intr-un bol mare batem cu mixerul ouale, zaharul, uleiul si laptele. Adaugam treptat cele 2 tipuri de faina amestecate cu praful de copt si scortisoara. La final incorporam si merele taiate cubulete.
Turnam compozitia intr-o tava (am folosit-o pe cea de tort cu diametrul de 27 cm) unsa cu putin ulei si coacem prajitura la foc potrivit cam 1 ora, pana trece testul scobitorii. Am presarat fulgi de migdale deasupra si am servit prajitura calda cu inghetata de vanilie :)
Legat de tava Bialetti, ce sa va spun, chiar mi-a placut la nebunie :) Prajitura s-a copt tare frumos si uniform, nu s-a ars, iar un mare plus a fost ca, desi nu am mai folosit hartie de copt, am scos super usor prajitura din tava. Gasiti acest set aici cu o reducere de 25% zilele acestea, aviz amatorilor. Eu zic sa nu ratati oferta :)
Weekends are nicer when they start with a sweet treat, aren’t they? :) So I got straight down to business. I made a fluffy, cinnamon flavored apple cake, with crunchy almond flakes on top :) A weekend delight :)
- 4 eggs
- 1 cup vegetable oil (200ml)
- 1 cup brown sugar (200g)
- 1 cup wholewheat flour (150g)
- 1 cup white flour (150g)
- 1/2 cup almond milk (125ml)
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 2 medium apples, chopped
- a handful of almond flakes for the topping
In a large bowl whisk the eggs, sugar, oil and milk. Gradually add the 2 types of flour mixed with baking paper and cinnamon. In the end, fold in the chopped apples.
Pour the mixture in a pan (I used a round 27 cm cake pan) greased with oil and bake the cake for about 1 hour, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. I sprinkled almond flakes on top and served it warm with vanilla ice cream :)