Cel mai fericita sunt cand vine mama pe la mine si aduce prajitura cu visine :) Azi de ziua femeii, am pregatit o prajitura cu visine perfecta: pufoasa, fara gluten si fara zahar. O minunatie! Reteta face parte din campania „Gatim romaneste si fara gluten cu Schar„. Se vede din poza cat de pufoasa e prajitura, nu? :D La multi ani, mamici!
- 5 oua
- 150g xylitol
- 250g faina Schar mix B
- 4 lg ulei vegetal
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1 lgt praf de copt bio
- 1 praf de sare
- coaja rasa fin de la 1 lamaie bio
- 200g visine fara samburi
Separam ouale si batem albusurile spuma cu un praf de sare, adaugam apoi indulcitorul si mixam in continuare. Separat amestecam galbenusurile cu uleiul, extractul de vanilie si coaja rasa fin de la 1 lamaie. Adaugam incet, in fir subtire, ca la maioneza, amestecul de galbenusuri in cel de albusuri.
Adaugam apoi si faina amestecata cu praful de copt si un praf de sare, incorporand-o usor cu o spatula. Turnam compozitia intr-o tava dreptunghiulara (18*28 cm) unsa cu ulei si tapetata cu hartie de copt. Asezam visinele bine scurse peste aluat si coacem totul aprox 25 de min la 170C, pana trece testul scobitorii. Pofta mare!
I am super happy when my mom comes over and brings sour cherry cake :) Today, for Woman’s day, I prepared a gluten free version of it, fluffy and yummy, you can tell how fluffy it is from the photos, right? :) Happy birthday moms!
- 5 eggs
- 150 g xylitol
- 250 g Schar mix B flour
- 4 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 pinch of salt
- grated zest of 1 lemon
- 200 g pitted sour cherries
Separate the eggs and beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until foamy, then add the sweetener and keep beating all until the mixture forms stiff peaks. Separately combine the egg yolks, oil, vanilla, grated zest of lemon. Slowly add into the egg white mixture.
Fold in the flour and baking powered, gently with a spatula, using circular movements. Pour the dough into a pan (18*28 cm) greased with oil and lined with baking paper. Add the well drained pitted sour cherries and bake for about 25 min at 170C, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. Enjoy!