O prajiturica usoara si pufoasa, ca un norisor, cu visine acrisoare. Suna bine, nu? E foarte simplu de facut, iar eu am folosit Green Sugar, un indulcitor natural pe baza de stevie, pentru a reduce din vinovatie si calorii. Asa ca va invit la cafea si-o felie de prajitura cu visine :)
- 250g visine fara samburi
- 5 oua
- 1 cana de faina alba (120g)
- 1 cana de Green Sugar pudra (120g)
- 5 lg ulei vegetal
- semintele de la o pastaie de vanilie
- 1 lgt praf de copt
Batem albusurile, pudra de Green Sugar si un praf de sare pana fac spume :)) Separat amestecam galbenusurile cu uleiul si vanilia si turnam treptat acest amestec in spuma. Adaugam si faina treptat, amestecand usooor cu un tel. Trebuie sa pastram cat mai mult din pufosenie :)
Turnam amestecul intr-o tava (20*25cm) unsa cu putin ulei si tapetata cu hartie de copt. Presaram visinele bine scurse deasupra si coacem prajitura cam 40-45 de min. Presaram putin Green Sugar rasnit fin deasupra, sa arate frumos. Pofta mare!
A light, fluffy sponge cake with sour cherries, what do you say about that? :) It’s super easy to make and I used a natural stevia based sweetener, to reduce the guilt and calories. Coffee’s ready! :)
- 250 g pitted wild cherries
- 5 eggs
- 1 cup of flour (120g)
- 1 cup of Green Sugar (120g, stevia based sweetener)
- 5 tbsp vegetable oil
- seeds from 1 vanilla pod
- 1 tsp baking powder
Whisk the egg whites with the sweetener and a pinch of salt until light and fluffy. Separately combine the egg yolks with the vanilla and oil and pour this mixture into the foam. Gradually add the flour, gently stirring, to keep the mixture as fluffy as possible.
Pour into a tray (20*25 cm) greased with a little oil and lined with baking paper and bake for about 40-45 min. Powder with sweetener, to look nice :) Enjoy!