Se apropie cu pasi repezi sarbatorile si un desert wow cu multa ciocolata e binevenit, nu? :) Prietenii de la Green Sugar vin in ajutorul celor care tin la silueta cu banutii de ciocolata fara zahar disponibili in 4 variante: cu lapte si 40% cacao, amaruie cu 50% cacao, amaruie cu 70% cacao, ciocolata alba si, extra, super dragalase bomboane de ciocolata colorata Sweetie. Am pregatit cu ajutorul lor o senzationala prajitura de ciocolata fara faina, fara zahar, perfecta pentru mesele festive de sarbatori :)

Ingrediente (8 portii):

Topim banutii de ciocolata la bain-marie, adaugam apoi untul, vanilia si un praf de sare. Amestecam pana se dizolva totul. Batem spuma albusurile, adaugandu-le la final galbenusurile. Incorporam amestecul de ciocolata in cel de oua usor, putin cate putin, folosind miscari circulare de jos in sus pentru a pastra cat mai mult aer in compozitie :)

Turnam compozitia intr-o forma de tort cu fund detasabil (18cm diametru*) unsa cu unt si tapetata cu hartie de copt si coacem prajitura la 170C cam 40 de min, pana devine putin ferma la atingere.

O lasam sa se raceasca neaparat, apoi o scoatem din forma si o ornam cu frisca indulcita cu Green Sugar si bombonelele de ciocolata colorata Sweetie :) Pofta mare!


Holidays are right around the corner and a fabulous chocolate dessert is more than welcomed, right? :) I prepared a sensational flourless and sugar free chocolate, so perfect for the holidays!:)

Ingredients (8 servings):

  • 250 g sugar free chocolate
  • 5 eggs
  • 125 g butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • for decorating: sugar free whipping cream, sugar free chocolate buttons

Melt the chocolate over a pot of hot water, then add the butter, vanilla and a pinch of salt. Mix well until dissolved. Whisk the egg whites until they form stiff peaks, then gently add the egg yolks. Slowly fold in the chocolate mixture into the egg mixture, using a spatula and circular up down movements, to keep as much air in the mixture as possible :)

Pour the mixture in a round spring form pan (18 cm diameter*) greased with butter and lined with baking paper, bake for about 40 min at 170 C, until slightly firm to the touch. Let it chill, then decorate with whipping cream and chocolate buttons. Enjoy!

*For a larger pan simply increase the quantities of the ingredients proportionally.

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