Bunica mea din Moldova face muulte gemuri si dulceturi, plec mereu de la ea cu portbagajul ticsit de borcane :) Si sunt foarte bune, insa nu pot sa mananc atat de multe, in ciuda dorintelor ei :)) Asa ca am zis sa exploatez niste dulceata de capsuni si sa fac ceva dulce rapid. Prajitura insiropata cu dulceata si nuci – sau cum sa faci dintr-un simplu pandispan un desert spectaculos :)
Ingrediente (8 portii)
- 2 oua
- 8 lg zahar brun (100g)
- 9 lg ulei de masline (150ml)
- 12 lg faina (180g)
- 10 lg apa (150ml)
- 1 lgt praf de copt
- 1 borcan de dulceata de capsuni (400g)
- 50g nuci tocate grosier
Batem bine ouale cu zaharul, adaugam apoi uleiul de masline. Amestecam faina cu praful de copt si adaugam in compozitie alternativ faina si apa, pana obtinem un aluat omogen, putin fluid.
Turnam aluatul intr-o tava de tarta tapetata cu hartie de copt (am folosit una rotunda de tarta, 28cm diametru) si coacem pandispanul cam 30 de min la 170 C, pana o scobitoare introdusa in centru iese curata.
Turnam borcanasul de dulceata cu tot cu sirop peste prajitura si presaram nuca tocata deasupra. Asteptam jumatate de ora pentru ca siropul sa patrunda in blat, offf… :) Pofta mare!
My grandmother from Moldavia makes a lot of jam, I always leave with the trunk packed with jars :)) And they are really good, but I can’t eat so many, even though she wishes I do :)) So I thought I could use some strawberry jam to make something sweet. Moist cake with jam and walnuts – simple and really really good :)
Ingredients (8 servings)
- 2 eggs
- 8 tbsp brown sugar (100g)
- 9 tbsp olive oil (150ml)
- 12 tbsp flour (180g)
- 10 tbsp water (150ml)
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 jar of strawberry jam (400 g)
- 50 g roughly chopped walnuts
Beat the eggs with the sugar, then add the olive oil. Mix the flour with the baking powder, then add alternatively add water and flour mixture, until obtaining a soft, slightly fluid dough.
Put it in a baking pan lined with baking paper (I used a round tart mold, 28cm diameter) and bake the cake for about 30 min at 170 C, until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Pour the entire jar of jam over the cake and sprinkle chopped walnuts on top. Wait for half an hour so that the syrup penetrates the cake… :) Enjoy!