Prajitura keto cu migdale a la Ikea. M-am trezit azi dimineata cu gandul sa fac un desert keto wow si asa mi-a venit ideea sa refac Prajitura mea cu migdale a la Ikea (reteta aici) in varianta keto :) A fost super simplu, a trebuit doar sa inlocuiesc zaharul cu un indulcitor natural si sa folosesc o ciocolata amaruie fara zahar. A iesit o bunatate de prajitura keto cu migdale, nu am avut rabdare sa o tin in frigider inainte sa o tai, de aceea crema s-a prelins putin, but who cares, gustul e MEGA BUN! :)) (10 felii a cate 4g carbs net si 350 cal)
- 6 albusuri
- 100g eritritol
- 200g faina de migdale
- 6 galbenusuri
- 150g unt
- 100g eritritol
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 100g ciocolata fara zahar
- 30g unt
- 2 lg smantana lichida
- fulgi de migdale
Pentru foi: Batem albusurile spuma, adaugam 100g de indulcitor, mixam pana obtinem o spuma fina. Incorporam usor cu o spatula faina de migdale. Trasam pe o foaie de copt cu creionul cercuri cu diametrul de 18 cm, intoarcem foaia pe dos si o asezam pe o tava unsa cu unt sau ulei.
Impartim compozitia in 3 si intindem fiecare treime pe unul din cele 3 cercuri, formand niste discuri. Le coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 170C timp de 12-15 min, apoi le lasam la racit.
Pentru crema: Batem spuma 100g de indulcitor cu galbenusurile, apoi fierbem crema la bain-marie (deasupra unui bol cu apa fierbinte) pana se ingroasa. Adaugam vanilia, untul si omogenizam bine totul cu mixerul.
Pentru asamblare: Pastram 2 linguri din crema pt lateral. Punem pe un platou prima foaie, intindem jumatate din crema pe ea, apoi a 2a foaie si cealalta jumatate de crema. Asezam ultima foaie si intindem uniform crema ramasa pe lateral.
Topping: Intindem ciocolata topita (la bain marie, impreuna cu untul si smantana) deasupra prajiturii si presaram fulgi de migdale. Introducem prajitura la rece macar 1-2 ore inainte de a o taia si servi.
Eu nu am asteptat, si in primele poze crema e moale, dar iata si a 2a tura de poze, dupa ce prajitura a stat la rece cateva ore: mult mai frumos s-au taiat feliile :) Pofta mare!
I woke up this morning in the mood for an amazing keto dessert, so I came up with the idea or transforming my Ikea almond cake copycat (recipe here) into a keto version :) It was super simple, I just replaced the sugar with sweetener and used a sugar free dark chocolate. My cake is SO AMAZING, I couldn’t even wait for it to chill in the fridge and cut it right away, that’s why the filling was runny, but who cares, it’s just so delicious! :)
- 6 egg whites
- 100 g erythritol
- 200 g almond flour
- 6 egg yolks
- 150 g butter
- 100 g erythritol
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 100 g sugar free chocolate
- 30 g butter
- 2 tbsp heavy cream
- almond flakes
For the cake: Whisk the egg whites until they form stiff peaks, add the sweetener and whisk until you get a nice glossy meringue. Gently fold in the almond flour with a spatula. Draw 3 18 cm circles on some sheets of baking paper, flip them and add them on trays greased with tuber or oil.
Divide the mixture in 3 and spread each third on the circles. Bake them at 170 C for 12-15 min, then let them cool.
For the filling: Whisk the eggs with 100 g sweetener until fluffy, then boil over a pot of simmering water until thickened. Add the vanilla, butter and whisk until smooth.
Topping: Spread the melted chocolate (over a pot of simmering water, along with the butter and heavy cream) over the cake and sprinkle almond flakes on top. Chill for at least 1-2 hours before cutting.
I couldn’t wait so the first pics have runny cream, but after the cake chilled for hours, look how nice the slices were cut :) Enjoy!