Din pofta de o pufosenie cu fructe de sezon, dar folosind fix resturile din camara, a iesit aceasta prajitura pufoasa cu prune. Adica am folosit o combinatie de faina de cocos si faina alba, si am indulcit cu zahar, soc si groaza :))) Dar cum nu mai aveam indulcitor in casa si nici chef sa ies… Voi puteti pune doar indulcitor si doar faina de cocos sau combinatie de faina de cocos cu faina Szafi si iese ceva dietetic, trust me, reteta e testata :)
Ingrediente (10 felii):
- 5 oua + 2 albusuri
- 5 lg zahar* sau indulcitor
- 3 lg faina alba (sau faina Szaif)* + 2 lg faina de cocos
- 1 lg ulei de cocos
- 1 lgt extract de vanilie
- 1/2 lgt scortisoara
- 1 lgt praf de copt
- 9 prune
- indulcitor pudra pt topping
Separam ouale, batem albusurile spuma un praf de sare, iar cand incep sa devina spumoase, adaugam si indulcitorul, mixand in continuare pana obtinem o bezea lucioasa.
Separat amestecam galbenusurile, uleiul de cocos si vanilia. Micsoram viteza mixerului si adaugam acest amestec in cel de albusuri. Cernem cele 2 tipuri de faina, scortisoara, praful de copt si incorporam tot amestecand usor, cu miscari de sus in jos, pentru a pastra cat mai mult aer in compozitie.
Turnam compozitia in tava rotunda cu fund detasabil (25cm diametru, margini detasabile din silicon si baza de sticla temperata) unsa cu putin ulei si asezam prunele taiate pe jumatate (si fara samburi) in aluat, impingandu-le usor.
Eu am pudrat si putina scortisoara deasupra. Coacem prajitura 40 de min la 180C, pana trece testul scobitorii si o servim pudrata cu indulcitor. E frageda si pufoasa ca un norisor! :) pofta mare!
I was super craving a fluffy treat and using just the leftover ingredients I had in my pantry, this amazing fluffy plum cake resulted :) I used a combination of plain flour and coconut flour and sugar as sweetener, because I had nothing else and absolutely no mood to go out and buy :)) You can use only sweetener and coconut flour or a combination with Szafi flour, and you get a diet treat, it’s tested and proved, trust me :)
Ingredients (10 slices):
- 5 eggs + 2 egg whites
- 5 tbsp sugar* or sweetener
- 3 tbsp plain flour (or Szafi flour)* + 2 tbsp coconut flour
- 1 tbsp coconut flour
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 9 plums
- powdered sweetener for the topping
Separate the eggs, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until they are foamy, then add the sweetener and beat until they form stiff peaks.
Separate;y mix the egg yolks, coconut oil and vanilla. Lower the mixer speed and add the egg yolk mixture into the egg white mixture. Sift in the 2 types of flour and slowly fold them in, with a spatula.
Pour the mixture in a cake pan (25 cm diameter, detachable bottom) greased with a little oil and place the plum halves in the dough, gently pushing them inside.
I also powdered a little cinnamon on top. Bake the cake for about 40 min at 180 C, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. It’s as light and fluffy as a cloud! Enjoy!