Chiar imi era pofta de o prajitura sanatoasa cu fructe cand am primit spre testare indulcitorul Green Sugar produs de Laboratoarele Remedia. La inceput am fost sceptica: 0 calorii?? Asta imi suna a ceva artificial… Ei bine nu :) Green Sugar e pur si simplu extract din frunze de stevie sub forma de pulbere, nu are calorii. Si nu e amar, cum e in general stevia. Yeeeeeiiii! How cool is that? :) Asa ca m-am apucat de treaba si am facut o zuper prajitura vegana cu zmeura, de sezon, asa :)

Ingrediente (10 portii):

  • 350g caju crud
  • 600g zmeura
  • 200ml suc fresh de sfecla rosie (pentru extra culoare :) puteti folosi si apa plata)
  • 2 lg Green Sugar
  • 3 lg ulei de cocos
  • pentru decor: fructe de padure si fulgi de migdale

Reteta e rapida si simpla, Madeline style :)) Adica punem nucile de caju in robotul de bucatarie si mixam bine pana sunt aproape ca o faina, apoi adaugam restul ingredientelor. Mixam din nou, oprind din cand in cand aparatul si curatand peretii cu o spatula.

Turnam compozitia intr-o tava cu fund detasabil (a mea are 22cm) si o introducem in congelator pana se intareste suficient, cam 2-3 ore. Acum urmeaza partea cea mai distractiva: decoratul :D Folosim ce dorim in functie de posibilitati, inspiratie si simt estetic :)

Eu am folosit afine, coacaze si fulgi de migdale. Se pastreaza in congelator si se scoate cu 1 ora inainte de servire. Sa avem pofta!


I was really craving for a healthy fruit dessert when I received the Green Sugar sweetener to test :) It’s pure stevia extract based, it has 0 calories, it’s recommended for diabetics and those of us forever on a diet :) So I got straight down to business and made a super raspberry cake, vegan and sugar free :)  Yummy!

Ingredients (10 servings)

  • 350 g raw cashews
  • 600 g raspberry
  • 200 ml fresh beet juice (for the extra color :) you can also use water)
  • stevia extract to taste
  • 3 tbsp coconut oil
  • for decorating: berries and almond flakes

The recipe is quick and simple, Madeline style :)) Process the cashews in the food processor until flour like consistency, then add the rest of the ingredients. Process well, stopping the machine from time to time to scarp the walls.

Pour the mixture in a round pan with detachable bottom (mine has 22 cm diameter) and place it in the freezer until it hardens enough, for about 2-3 hours.

Now comes the fun part: the decorating :D Use whatever you want depending on stock, inspiration and aesthetics sense :) I used blueberries, currants and almond flakes. Store in the freezer and take out 1 hour before serving. Enjoy!

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