O mancare super gustoasa pentru intreaga familie: pui cu lamaie la slow cooker. Am pus Slowcookerul Digital de 7.5L de la CrockPot* la treaba sambata dimineata si la pranz aveam masa gata :) Puiul a iesit atat. de. fraged. si stiti ca se fierbe mai greu carnea de pui de tara si poate fi atoasa, ei bine, nu si la slow cooker :) Sosul delicios cu lamaie si usturoi a completat perfect taboul, alaturi de garnitura de cartofiori copti, dar merge cu orice garnitura preferati voi: broccoli, muraturi, morcovi, salata, ardei copti and so on… :)


  • 1 pui de tara
  • 1 lamaie
  • 2-3 catei de usturoi
  • 4 lg ulei de masline
  • 1 lg sare*
  • 1/4 lgt oregano

Acest slowcooker* are cea mai mare capacitate, si anume pt 10 portii de mancare, vas ceramic care poate fi folosit si in cuptor, vasul si capacul sunt usor de curatat si pot fi spalate si in masina de spalat vase, afisaj electronic foarte usor de folosit. Il gasiti AICI la un pret promotional.

Mod de preparare:

Pentru sos pisam cateii de usturoi si ii amestecam cu zeama de lamaie, uleiul de masline, coaja rasa de lamaie, sare, oregano. Introducem o lingura sau lingurita pe sub pielea puiului, facand loc pentru sos si il ungem bine, pe sub peste piele, cu restul de sos il masam.

Punem un mic grilaj in vasul slowcookerului (puteti folosi si cativa cartofi ideea e sa fie puiul in aer :), asezam puiul si punem capacul. Setam slow cookerul pe High pentru 4 ore si ne vedem de treaba :)

Dupa cele 4 ore rumenim puiul 15 min in cuptor (180C, ventilatia pornita), fie inlaturand grilajul si folosind vasul Crock Pot, fie in orice vas termorezistent. Picuram o lingura de ulei peste el inainte sa il rumeniti in cuptor, ii va da un luciu super :)

Nu aruncam zeama lasata de pui in vas, ci o strecuram si o folosim la servit pe post de sos, e demential, plin de arome :) Puiul a iesit extrem de fraged si gustos, se desprindea singura carnea de pe os. L-am servit cu niste cartofi micuti si bineinteles sosul, oh sosul! :) Pofta mare!

Baby-friendly: folositi foarte putina sare doar dupa varsta de 1 an.


A super tasty family meal: slow cooker lemon chicken. I just set my 7.5L Crock Pot slow cooker saturday morning and by lunchtime we had an amazing delicious homemade meal waiting for us :) The chicken was so. incredibly. tender. and you know how hard free range meat is to cook, well, not in my slow cooker it isn’t! :) And the lemon garlic sauce was perfect to accompany the sweet meat, along with the roasted potatoes, but any side dish you like is fine: broccoli, pickles, carrots, lettuce, roasted pepper and so on… :)


  • 1 free range chicken
  • 1 lemon
  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp oregano

For the dressing mas the garlic cloves and mix them with the lemon juice, lemon zest, salt, oregano. Insert a spoon between the chicken’s meat and skin and make room for the dresing. Rub the meat with the dressing and and the rest over the skin.

Place a small rack in the slow cooker and the chicken on it. Set on High for 4 hours and do whatever other things you need to do around the house :)

After the 4 hours brown the chicken in the oven for 15 min (180C, ventilation on), either by removing the rack and using the slow cooker pot or by transferring the chicken into any heat resistant dish. Drizzle a little olive oil on it before, it will give an amazing glow :)

Do not throw away the juice left in the slow cooker pot, just strain and serve by pouring over the chicken, it’s an amazing sauce full of flavors :) The meat just fell of the bones without a knife, we had it with baby potatoes and of course the sauce, oh the sauce! :) Enjoy!

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