Metoda „Pot in Pot” de la curryul meu la multicooker are suuuper succes, asa ca iata inca o reteta cu ea :) Gatiti felul principal si garnitura in acelasi timp in acelasi vas al multicookerului, how cool is that? :D Pui cu miere si usturoi la multicooker, gustos, hranitor si usor de facut. Aveti aici reteta video. Also, va invit pe pagina mea noua si special dedicata multicookerului – Multicooker :)
Ingrediente (4 portii):
- 2 buc piept de pui (700g)
- 2 lg ulei de masline
- 1 ceapa rosie
- 4 catei de usturoi
- 120g miere
- 60ml sos de soia (Tamari*)
- 250ml suc de rosii
- piper
- 100g quinoa
- 300ml apa
- 2 lgt guma xantan/2 lg faina/2 lg amidon
- susan si ceapa verde pentru servit
Siiii am si un cadou pentru voi, va ofer codul de extra reducere de 100 de lei Madeline100 pentru multicookerul meu pana pe 31 august, yei! :) Click AICI pentru oferta.
Mod de preparare
Setam aparatul pe Brown/Saute, adaugam uleiul de masline si calim putin ceapa si usturoiul, doar pana se inmoaie foarte putin. Adaugam pieptul de pui taiat cubulete, le rumenim si pe acestea f putin.
Separat amestecam sosul de soia, sucul de rosii si mierea. Adaugam sosul rezultat peste pui, asezonam cu piper, de sare nu mai e nevoie datorita sosului de soia. Punem deasupra grilajul multicookerului si adaugam quinoa intr-un bol termorezistent. Turnam 300ml de apa peste quinoa. Punem capacul multicookerului, il rotim spre pozitia Inchis, rotim si valva de presiune spre pozitia Inchis.
Alegem programul Meat/Poultry pt 20 minute, High Pressure. Dupa ce timpul a expirat, lasam cateva minute aparatul, apoi eliberam cu grija valva de presiune.
Scoatem puiul din vas si lasam doar zeama, pe care o ingrosam ca sa o transformam in sos, folosind: 2 linguri de faina/amidon sau 2 lingurite de guma xantan si programul Simmer, fara capac ;) Strecuram sosul si il amestecam cu carnita, apoi servim totul cu garnitura de quinoa, ceapa verde si susan :) Pofta mare!
Varianta fara gluten: folositi sos Tamari in loc de sos de soia. Pui cu miere si usturoi la multicooker.
The”Pot in Pot” method from my pressure cooker curry is super popular, so here is another recipe with it :) You cook the main dish AND the side dish in the same time in the same pressure cooker, how cool is that? :D Pressure cooker honey garlic chicken with quinoa, super tasty, nutritious and easy.
Ingredients (4 servings):
- 2 pieces of chicken breast (700 g)
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 red onion
- 4 garlic cloves
- 120 g honey
- 60 ml soy sauce (Tamari sauce* for gluten free version)
- 250 ml tomato juice
- pepper
- 100 g quinoa
- 300 ml water
- 2 tsp xanthan gum / 2 tbsp flour / 2 tbsp cornstarch
- sesame seeds and spring onion for serving
Set the pressure cooker on Brown/Saute, add the olive oil and saute a little the diced onion and garlic Add the chicken breast cut into cubes and brown them just a little.
Separately mix the soy sauce, tomato juice and honey. Add this in the pressure cooker pot, stir, season with pepper, there is no need for salt because of the soy sauce. Put the rack in the pressure cooker. Put the quinoa in a heat resistant bowl, add 300ml of water.
Put this dish over the rack (I used a silicone mold to take the quinoa bowl out easier), then put the lid on, rotate to Closed position, rotate the pressure valve to Closed position, too. Set the cooker on Meat/Poultry for 20 minutes, High Pressure. When the time’s up, let it a few minutes, then carefully release the pressure valve.
take the chicken out of the pressure cooker and thicken the remaining liquid into a sauce by using 2 tablespoons of flour/cornstarch or 2 teaspoons of xanthan gum. Mix the chicken with the sauce and serve with the quinoa. Enjoy!