De mult timp voiam sa fac un pui intreg la slow cooker* iar cand cei de la Edenia mi-au trimis sa testez noul lor Poulet Jaune, crescut Bio, fara chimicale, alergat prin curti frantuzesti (detalii despre el aici) am stiut ce am de facut :) Cred ca se vede cu ochiul liber din poze ce bunatate a iesit… #FoodPorn #Drooling Sincer, nu se compara clar cu nici un alt pui din comert si, desi e scumpicel, merita macar la ocazii speciale :)
- 1 pui Poulet Jaune de la Edenia
- 2 tije de telina Apio
- 3 cartofi
- 1 ceapa
- 3 morcovi mici
- 1 radacina de pastarnac
- 3 catei de usturoi
- 50g unt
- 2 lg ulei de masine
- 1/2 lgt boia dulce
- cateva fire de cimbru si rozmarin
- sare, piper
Tocam legumele dupa bunul plac, eu am folosit morcovi (ii plac mult Ilincai), cartofi, ceapa, telina Apio, pastarnac si usturoi. Decongelam puiul inainte (neaparat) si ii crestam pielea, infigand feliute de usturoi pe sub piele (1 catel, pe ceilalti 2 ii punem cu celealte legume), apoi il ungem cu unt.
Punem in vasul slow cooker-ului legumele, asezam puiul deasupra (eu l-am indesat putin, ca slowcooker-ul meu e rotund :)) Adaugam sare, piper, boia, ulei de masline, frunzulitele de plante aromatice si foarte putina apa (200ml). Sa stiti ca merge si fara, puiul si legumele lasa mult din sucurile proprii, yummmm! :)
Setam Slow cooker-ul pe High pentru 4 ore, si ne vedem de treaba :) Apoi transferam legumele si puiul intr-o tava, turnam zeama rezultata deasupra si il rumenim in cuptorul incins la 200 C pentru 15 min, pana vi se pare suficient de rumen si auriu :) L-am servit cu legume si crochetele din mamaliga, si a fost o masa senzationala! :) Pui intreg la slow cooker
I’ve been wanting to roast a whole chicken using my slow cooker for a long time and when I received this amazing organic chicken from Edenia I knew just what I had to do :) You can tell how delicious the chicken turned out just by looking at the photos :)
- 1 chicken Poulet Jaune from Edenia
- 2 celery sticks
- 3 small potatoes
- 1 onion
- 3 carrots
- 1 parsnip
- 3 garlic cloves
- 50 g butter
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1/2 tsp sweet paprika
- a couple of thyme and rosemary leaves
- salt, pepper
Chop the veggies as you like, I used carrots (Ilinca loves them), potatoes, onion, celery sticks, parsnip and garlic. Defrost the chicken first, cut into the skin and insert garlic slices under the skin. Use 1 garlic clove, place the other 2 along with the rest of veggies, then grease the butter well with butter.
Place the chopped veggies in the slow cooker and the chicken on top. I shoved my in a little, because my slow cooker is round :)) add salt, pepper, sweet paprika, aromatic plants and very little water (200 ml). It works just fine without the water, the chicken and veggies leave out enough juice, yummmm!
Set the Slow cooker on High for 4 hours and do whatever stuff you want in the meantime :) Then transfer the chicken and veggies in a tray and bake for 15 more min in the preheated oven at 200 C, with the ventilation on, until the chicken becomes golden brown :) It’s absolutely amazing!