Multicookerul Crockpot Express pe care il avem de aproape 2 ani e sfant la noi bucatarie, e absolut magic, practic face mancare foarte gustoasa foarte repede, ca sa il descriu in doar cateva cuvinte :) De fiecare data ma mir ce frageda iese carne si ce gusturi minunate se obtin prin gatirea sub presiune :) Azi am facut pulpe de pui Teriyaki de ne-am lins pe degete, fragede si cu o glazura wow, iar totul a fost gata in maxim 30 de min. Si am vesti minunate pentru voi: doar intre 13-15 noiembrie e Black Friday, asa ca puteti benefia de super reduceri! In plus, utilizand codul Madeline5 mai aveti EXTRA reducere de 5% la orice produs achizitionat, grabiti-va :)


  • 8 pulpe inferioare de pui
  • 2 lg ulei de masline
  • 125ml sos de soia (sau sos Tamari, fara gluten)
  • 100ml apa
  • 1 catel de usturoi
  • 2 lgt otet
  • 3 lg indulcitor brun
  • 1 lgt ghimbir ras
  • 1 lgt guma xantan (pt ingrosare)
  • seminte de susan, ceapa verde pt servit

Mai intai setam aparatul pe Brown/Saute 10 min, apasam Start si, dupa ce s-a incins, rumenim pulpele in putin ulei de masline pe toate partile.

Separat facem sosul: amestecam apa, sosul de soia sau Tamari, usturoiul pisat, indulcitorul brun, ghimbirul ras, otetul.

Oprim programul Brown/Saute, turnam sosul peste pulpe, punem capacul si il rotim in pozitia inchis, rotim valva de presiune si setam pe Manual High Pressure 12 min si Start. Dupa ce programul s-a terminat si multicookerul a piuit asteptam 5 min, apoi punem un prosopel pe capac si rotim cu grija valva de presiune.

Inlaturam capacul, dupa ce nu se mai aude absolut nici un fasait, scoatem pulpele apasam Stop. Adaugam guma xanthan si gatim sosul pe Brown/Saute pana se ingroasa, amestecand cu un tel, de preferat de silicon, nu metalic.

Servim pulpele calde cu acest sos Teriyaki din belsug, seminte de susan si ceapa verde tocata deasupra. Pofta mare!


The Crock Pot Express multicooker I’ve had for almost 2 years now is one of the most used appliance in my kitchen, it’s just magical, basically it prepares super deliciou meals super fast, if I were to describe it in just a few words :) I am always amazed by how delicious and tender the meat gets cooked in this multicooker. Today I made Teriyaki chicken fo the first time and it was just super delicious, we all loved it and it was all ready in like max 30 min! And I’ve got great news for you, Starting today until the 15th of november it’s Black Friday at Crock Pot Romania, you can benefit the most amazing discounts, plus my very special extra discount code, Madeline5 for an EXTRA 5% DISCOUNT for any product (appliance), hurry :)


  • 8 chicken legs
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 125 ml soy sauce (or Tamari, for gluten-free version)
  • 100 ml water
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 2 tsp vinegar
  • 3 tbsp brown sweetener
  • 1 tsp grated ginger
  • 1 tsp xanthan gum (for thickening)
  • sesame seeds and spring onions for serving

First set the multicooker on Brown/Saute for 10 min, press Start and, after it became hot, brown the chicken legs in a little olive oil, until they are golden and seared on all sides.

Separately prepare the sauce: combine the water, mashed garlic, soy or Tamari sauce, grated ginger, vinegar.

Stop the Brown/Saute brown program, pour the sauce over the chicken, put the lid on, rotate to Closed position, rotate the pressure valve to Closed and set on Manual High Pressure for 12 min, press Start. After the program is finished, wait for 5 min, the pus a kitchen cloth over the lid and gently rotate the pressure valve to Open, with a spatula.

Remove the lid after there is absolutely no hissing sound, take the chicken out from the pot, press Stop. Add the xanthan gum and cook the sauce on Brown/Saute until it thicken, stirring with a whisk, preferably silicone, not metal.

Serve the chicken hot with lots of this wonderful Teriyaki sauce, sesame seeds and chopped spring onions. Enjoy!

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