Am descoperit aceste fursecuri traditionale italienesti numite Ricciarelli la Lidl si mi-au placut atat de mult incat am cautat reteta lor originala. Pe care am modificat-o, bineinteles, inlocuind zaharul cu un indulcitor natural cu 0 calorii :D Sunt foarte foarte usor de facut si vor fi adorate de iubitorii de martipan, aroma de migdale e minunata :)
Ingrediente (20 de buc):
- 150g faina de migdale
- 150g indulcitor Green Sugar
- 2 albusuri de ou
- 1 lgt zeama de lamaie
- 1 lgt coaja rasa de portocala
- semintele de la 1 pastaie de vanilie
- 1/2 lgt praf de copt
Batem spuma de tot albusurile cu zeama de lamaie si pudra de Green Sugar. Amestecam faina de migdale cu praful de copt, coaja rasa de portocala si semintele de la o pastaie de vanilie. In amestecul de bezea incorporam cu o spatula mixul de faina.
Din aluatul obtinut formam bilute pe care le aplatizam usor cu palmele si le asezam pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt. Le coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 de grade timp de 14 min, lasandu-le apoi sa se raceasca aprox 2 minute in tava, apoi le pudram cu Green Sugar si le savuram. Delicioase!
*M-am inspirat din reteta originala de Ricciarelli de aici
I discovered these traditional Italian cookies at Lidl and I liked them so much that I looked for the original recipe. Which I obviously improved, replacing sugar with a natural – calorie sweetener :D They are so easy to make and marzipan fans will love them, the almond flavor is wonderful :)
Ingredients (20 pcs):
- 150 g almond flour
- 150 g stevia erythritol
- 2 egg whites
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 1 tsp grated orange zest
- seeds form 1 vanilla bean
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
Whip the egg whites with lemon juice and sweetener until stiff peaks. Mix the almond flour with the grated orange, vanilla seeds and baking powder. Gently fold the dry mixture into the egg white one, with a spatula.
From the dough you obtain, form small balls, flatten them with your palm and place them on a tray lined with baking paper. Bake for about 14 min in the preheated oven at 170 C. Let them chill for approx 2 min in the tray, then dust with sweetener and enjoy. They’re super delicious!
*Inspiration: original Ricciarelli recipe here
Buna ziua, Cu ce se poate inlocui albusul de ou avand o alimentatie vegana?
O zi frumoasa
Buna Nicoleta, nu am incercat in aceasta reteta sa inlocuiesc oul, deci nu stiu ce sa iti recomand, dar am alte retete de biscuiti vegani pe blog :)
O zi frumoasa!