Rulourile cu scortisoara au fost slabiciunea mea dintotdeauna, iar varianta keto din aluat fathead pe care am testat-o prima data (reteta aici), a fost ok, dar nu pufoasa ca reteta clasica :) Eeeeei, dar am descoperit o reteta care este foarte asemanatoare cu cea clasica, atat la gust, cat si la consistenta, yei! Si in casa miroase a paine dulce/cozonac. Rulouri pufoase keto cu scortisoara. NU omiteti glazura de branza, e „sarea si piperul” :)

Ingrediente (10 buc):

  • 220g faina de migdale
  • 45g faina de in
  • 35g izolat proteic din zer
  • 6 lg eritritol pudra
  • 2 lgt guma xanthan
  • 2 lgt praf de copt
  • 1/2 lgt sare
  • 1 lg drojdie uscata
  • 3 lg apa calduta (45ml)
  • 60g smantana
  • 1 lg miere*
  • 3 oua
  • 20g unt
  • 1 lg otet din cidru de mere


  • 4 lg unt topit
  • 4 lg eritritol pudra
  • 2 lg scortisoara


  • 150g crema de branza
  • 50g unt la temperatura camerei
  • 40g eritritol pudra
  • 1 lgt extract de vanilie

Mai intai amestecam drojdia cu apa calduta bine (dar nu fierbinte) si mierea. Atentie: drojdia se hraneste cu zaharurile din miere pentru a emite dioxid de carbon, deci nr final de carbohidrati nu e afectat, garantat stiintific :)

Separat batem ouale, untul, smantana si otetul. Dupa ce amestecul de drojdie a facut spuma, il adaugam si pe acesta. Combinam cele 2 amestecuri, le mixam bine pana la omogenizare. Intindem pe blatul de lucru folie alimentara si o ungem cu ulei.

Cu mainile umezite intindem usor aluatul pe folie, dandu-i o forma dreptunghiulara. Ungem cu unt moale suprafata aluatului, adaugam indulcitor pudra si scortisoara. Rulam usor totul, folosindu-ne de folie si cu un cutit umed taiem rulurile. Ies 10 bucati.

Le transferam intr-o tava si le acoperim, lasandu-le 1 ora la temperatura camerei. Le coacem apoi cam 20-25 de min la 200C, pana trec testul scobitorii. Pentru glazura batem cu mixerul untul la temperatura camerei, crema de branza, vanilia si indulcitorul pudra. Le servim calde cu glazura, miam miam :) Pofta mare!

*Reteta preluata si adaptata de aici.


Cinnamon rolls have always been one of my favorite desserts, and my first keto version with fathead dough was ok, but not fluffy like the original :) Weeeell, I found a recipe that is SO similar to the original, regarding taste, consistency and the house smells like sweet bread! Fluffy keto cinnamon rolls. Do NOT ski the frosting, it’s a winner combination :)

Ingredients (10 pcs):

  • 220 g almond flour
  • 45 g flax seed flour
  • 35 g whey protein isolate
  • 6 tbsp powdered erithritol
  • 2 tsp xanthan gum
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp dry yeats
  • 3 tbsp lukewarm water (45 ml)
  • 60 g sour cream
  • 1 tbsp honey*
  • 3 eggs
  • 20 g butter
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar


  • 4 tbsp melted butter
  • 4 tbsp powdered erythritol
  • 2 tbsp cinnamon


  • 150 g cream cheese
  • 50 g butter, at room temperature
  • 40 g powdered erythritol
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

First whisk the yeast, warm water (not hot) and honey. The yeast will feed on the sugars in t he honey, so it does not affect the carb count, it’s scientific fact :)

Separately whisk the eggs, softened butter, sour cream and vinegar. After the yeast mixture start to make bubbles, add it to the egg mix. Combine the dry and wet mixture, mix until sooth. Line the working space with clingfilm and grease with oil.

Using wet hands, spread the dough into a rectangular shape. Spread the softened butter all over it and add also the sweetener and cinnamon. Roll gently, using the clingfilm. Using a wet knife, cut out the rolls, I got 10 pieces.

Transfer the rolls to a baking dish, cover them with clingfilm and let them rise 1 hour. For the frosting beat the softened butter, cream cheese, powdered sweetener and vanilla. Serve warm with lost of frosting :) Enjoy!

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