Nu am mai postat de mult o reteta de salata, desi sunt preferatele mele, cred ca mananc zilnic cate una :) Ei bine, pentru acest weekend va propun o salata cu carpacio de ton. Este un deliciu rafinat, simplu, care merge la fix cu un pahar de vin alb… :)

Ingrediente (1 portie):

  • 100g carpaccio de ton (de la Lidl)
  • o mana de salata verde
  • 50g capere
  • 50g rosii uscate
  • 1 ardei gras (eu am folosit 3 mini ardei colorati diferit :)
  • ulei de masline extravirgin
  • sare si piper dupa gust

Modul de preparare e simplu de tot: taiem frumos si dupa bunul plac ingredientele, mai putin caperele, normal, ca n-avem ce taia la ele :)) Asezam totul frumos pe o farfurie, asezonam cu sare si piper, putin ulei de masline si voila! Masa e gata :) Sa avem pofta!


I haven’t posted a salad recipe in a while, although they’re my favorite dish, I don’t think a day goes by without me having one :) Well, for this weekend I propose this tuna carpaccio salad. It’s a refined, simple dish that goes great with a glass of white wine… :)

Ingredients (1 serving):

  • 100 g tuna carpaccio
  • a large handful of lettuce leaves
  • 50 g capers
  • 50 g dried tomatoes
  • 1 bell pepper (I used 3 mini peppers in different colors :)
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste

It’s super easy to prepare: nicely chop all the ingredients, except the capers, of course :)) Arrange everything on a plate, season with salt and pepper, a little olive oil and voila! Dinner’s ready! :) Enjoy!

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