Am pregatit pentru voi o reteta incredibil de simpla, dar absolut delicioasa! Salata de ananas, rodie si menta :) Imbinarea de arome e dementiala: ananas dulceag, rodie acrisoara, menta proaspata, iar zaharul de cocos completeaza perfect peisajul :) Bun si sanatos!

Ingrediente (4 portii):

  • 1 ananas mare, parfumat
  • 1 rodie
  • 100g zahar de cocos
  • cateva frunzulite de menta

Taiem frumos ananasul (vedeti aici cum), curatam rodia (vedeti aici cum) si partea grea s-a terminat :) Punem fructele intr-un bol, adaugam frunzulitele de menta, zaharul de cocos si  amestecam bine tot, pentru a se imbina perfect aromele. Impartim salata in 4 cupe si o servim celor dragi. Pofta mare! :)


I have an incredibly simple, yet absolutely delicious recipe for you! Pineapple, pomegranate and mint salad :) The mixture of flavors is so wonderful, sweet pineapple, tangy pomegranate, fresh mint and the coconut sugar completes everything :) Tasty and healthy!

Ingredients (4 servings):

  • 1 large, perfumed pineapple
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 100 g coconut sugar
  • a few mint leaves

Cut the pineapple (see here how), cut open the pomegranate (see here how) and the hard part is over :) Place the fruits in a bowl, add torn mint leaves, coconut sugar and mix everything well for the flavors to combine. Divide into 4 bowls and serve to your loved ones. Enjoy! :)

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