E o placere sa mergi la piata in aceasta perioada a anului, e plin de legume, verdeturi si fructe proaspete, iar uneori cele mai bune mancaruri sunt cele simple :) O salata de cartofi noi cu ridichi, ceapa verde, muuult marar si masline e un fel de mancare primavaratic satios, gustos si sanatos :) Pofta mare!
Ingrediente (4 portii):
- 1 kg cartofi noi
- 150g masline
- 1 legatura de ridichi
- 2 cepe verzi
- 1/2 legatura de marar
- 1 lg ulei de masline
- sare, piper
Spalam bine cartofii cu un burete curat si ii punem intr-o tava intinsa tapetata cu hartie de copt. Pe cei marisori ii mai taiem, daca e nevoie, pentru a avea toti cam aceeasi dimensiune.
Ii coacem aprox 50-60 de min, in functie de cuptor si marime, pana intra usor furculita in ei. Tocam ceapa verde, ridichile si mararul, transferam cartofii intr-un bol mare, ii amestecam cu restul ingredientelor si ii savuram calzi. Enjoy! :)
I love going to the farmer’s market this time of the year, it’s filled with fresh vegetables, herbs and fruit, and sometimes the most delicious meals are the super simple ones :) This new potato salad with radishes, spring onion and lots of dill is a spring dish that’s very filling, tasty and healthy :) Enjoy!
Ingredients (4 servings):
- 1 kg new potatoes
- 150 g olives
- 1 bunch of radishes
- 2 spring onions
- 1/2 bunch of dill
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- salt, pepper
Wash the potatoes really well using a clean sponge and place on a tray lined with baking paper. Cut the larges ones, so that they all have about the same size. Bake for about 5-60 min, depending on the oven, until they are soft and tender (test them with a fork). Chop the spring onions, radishes and dill, transfer the potatoes to a large bowl, add the rest of the ingredients and serve warm :)