Imi place mult sa experimentez in bucatarie, sa combin mai multe arome care imi plac si sa vad ce iese :) Nu se intampla chiar mereu, dar azi mi-a iesit! :)) Salata de conopida, naut si quinoa. Super buna, satioasa si usoara in acelasi timp, cu multi nutrienti. Carnivorii o pot servi pe post de garnitura, mie mi-a placut asa fara nimic :)
Ingrediente (4 portii):
- 1 conopida medie
- 1 conserva de naut (400g)
- 200g quinoa
- o mana de migdale crude
- cateva fire de chives (sau 1 ceapa verde)
- 2 lg ulei de masline
- zeama de la 1 lamaie
- sare si piper
Sa le luam pe rand: desfacem conopida in buchetele si o fierbem la aburi. Spalam si scurgem nautul din conserva si il punem deoparte, apoi fierbem si quinoa: o masura quinoa in 2 masuri de apa, pana e putin translucida, atunci stiti ca e gata.
Apoi amestecam tot: conopida, boabele de naut, quinoa si migdalele si asezonam totul cu ulei de masline, zeama de lamaie, chives tocat, sare si piper. Bun de tot. Pofta mare!
I really love to experiment in the kitchen, to combine flavors I like and see what happens :) It doesn’t always happen, but today I really nailed it! :)) Cauliflower, chickpea and quinoa salad. SO tasty, filing and light in the same time, with plenty of nutrients. Meat lovers can have it as a side dish, I enjoyed it simple :)
Ingredients (4 servings):
- 1 medium cauliflower
- 1 can of chickpeas (400 g)
- 200 g quinoa
- a handful of raw almonds
- 1/2 bunch of chives (or 1 spring onion)
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- juice of 1 lemon
- salt and pepper
Let’s take them one at a time: cut the cauliflower into small florets and steam them until nice and tender. Wash and drain the chickpea in the can and put it aside, then boil the quinoa (2-1 ratio water-quinoa) until it’s slightly transparent, then we know it’s done.
Simply combine everything: cauliflower florets, chickpeas, quinoa and almonds and season everything with olive oil, lemon juice, chopped chives and salt and pepper. Enjoy!