Ce poate fi mai bun, mai racoritor si mai sanatos pe caldurile acestea decat o salata de fructe dulci si zemoase, menta si sirop aromat facut din rom, miere si vanilie naturala? :)

Ingrediente (4 portii):

  • 1 pepene galben
  • 250g cirese
  • 250g mure
  • 1 mango, 1 mar verde, 1 banana
  • zeama de la 1 lime
  • frunze de menta proaspata
  • 3 lg miere (sau sirop de artar pt vegani)
  • semintele de la 1 pastaie de vanilie
  • 2 lg rom

Spalam si taiem frumos toate fructele, avand grija sa pastram zeama de la pepenele galben :) Punem cubuletele de fructe intr-un bol mare si adaugam zeama de lime peste ele, sa nu se oxideze.

Preparam siropul: amestecam zeama de la pepenele galben, mierea, vanilia si romul. Turnam siropul peste fructe, adaugam cateva frunzulite de menta si savuram cu mare pofta, zic eu :)


This hot weather makes me crave for the perfect healthy and refreshing summer dessert: a fresh, juicy fruit salad with mint and a delicious syrup from rum, honey and vanilla :)

Ingredients (4 servings):

  • 1 cantaloupe
  • 250 g cherries
  • 250 g blackberries
  • 1 mango, 1 green apple, 1 banana
  • juice from 1 lime
  • fresh mint leaves
  • 3 tbsp honey (or maple syrup for vegans)
  • seeds from 1 vanilla bean
  • 2 tbsp rum

Wash and nicely chop all the fruits, taking care to keep the juice from the cantaloupe :) Place the fruits in a a large bowl and pour lime juice over them, so that they don’t oxidize. Prepare the syrup: mix the cantaloupe juice, honey, vanilla and rum. Pour the syrup over the fruit, add a few mint leaves and enjoy :)

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