Care era faza cu Fan Branza? Ei bine, pe acelasi principiu eu ma declar Fan Catina! :)) Si vreau efectiv sa va rog sa incercati aceasta salata de fructe, este super gustoasa, de sanatoasa nu mai zic, catina este aur curat: vitamina C, betacaroten, fosfor, potasiu, magneziu, fier, aminoacizi… :) Cred ca acesta e desertul meu preferat in acest moment :)
Ingrediente (2 portii):
- 2 mere rosii
- 2 banane
- 4 mandarine
- o mana de nuci pecan (sau migdale, alune de padure, nuci romanesti etc)
- 50g catina
- zeama de la 1 lamaie
- 2-3 lg miere (sirop de artar sau agave pentru vegani)
- 1/2 lgt scortisoara
Cum procedam? Simplu de tot: taiem frumos fructele, le punem intr-un bol si turnam peste ele zeama de lamaie sa nu se oxideze merele si bananele. Apoi adaugam catina, nucile, turnam mierea deasupra si presaram scortisoara pudra… Mozolim bine toata treaba cu o lingura, sa se intrepatrunda aromele. Un de-li-ciu! :)
*M-am inspirat de aici
I am a huge fan of sea buck-thorn, so I made this delicious fruit salad with it. You’ve got to try it, it’s perfect for the winter time, super tasty and incredibly healthy. Sea buck-thorn is a super-food that contains tones of vitamin C, beta carotene, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, aminoacids… I think this is my favorite dessert these days :)
Ingredients (2 servings):
- 2 red apples
- 2 bananas
- 4 clementines
- a handful of pecans (or almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts etc)
- 50 g sea buck-thorn
- juice of 1 lemon
- 2-3 tbsp honey (maple or agave syrup for vegans)
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
It’s super simple to make: nicely chop the fruits, put them in a bowl and drizzle lemon juice over them so that the apples and bananas don’t oxidize. Then add the sea buck-thorn, pecans, pour honey on top and sprinkle cinnamon powder… Mix everything really well with a spoon so that the flavor combine. De-li-cious! :)
Minunata!!!!!! Multumim
Cu mare drag!! :)
un desert excelent si foarte sanatos
Cum arataaaaaaaaaaa,mor de pofta
Sănătoasă și gustoasă! Suficient pentru o tentativă… :D