In general nu ma omor dupa combinatiile dulce-sarat, dar aceasta salata de kale, mar si merisoare mi-a starnit curiozitatea :) Cum tocmai i-am descoperit pe cei de la Green Your Life, care au o gramada de fructe, legume si muuulte bunatati proaspete, m-am apucat de treaba. Rezultatul a fost surprinzator de bun :)

Ingrediente (2 portii):

  • o legatura de varza kale
  • 75g merisoare deshidratate
  • 50g nuci pecan
  • 1 mar
  • 3 lg ulei de masline
  • 2 lg otet din cidru de mere
  • 1 lg miere
  • sare, piper

Spalam si tocam varza kale, apoi o punem intr-un bol mare. Adaugam marul taiat cubulete, nucile pecan si merisoarele. Pentru sos amestecam cu un tel micut uleiul de masline, otetul, mierea, un praf de sare si putin piper. Turnam sosul peste salata, amestecam bine totul  si asteptam 30 de minute pentru a se imbina in mod delicios aromele :) Pofta mare!


I usually don’t like sweet savory combinations but this kale, apple and cranberry salad made me curious :) Since I discovered a local farm with fresh fruit and vegetables, I prepared this lovely dish. The result was surprisingly good :)

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • a bunch of kale leaves
  • 75 g dried cranberries
  • 50 g pecans
  • 1 apple
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • salt, pepper

Wash and chop the kale, then place in a large bowl. Add the chopped apple, cranberries and pecans. For the sauce whisk together the olive oil, vinegar, honey, a pinch of salt and a little pepper. Mix everything well, then wait for 30 min for the flavors to combine :) Enjoy!

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