Salata de oua. O reteta care presimt ca va fi la mare cautare zilele acestea, de Paste, dupa ce raman mai multe oua rosii :) E foarte gustoasa si satioasa, mie imi place mult pe paine prajita. Un Paste fericit va doresc!
- 8 oua fierte
- 3 lg smantana
- 2 lg maioneza
- 1 lgt mustar
- 1 ceapa verde
- sare, piper
- marar tocat (optional)
Decojim ouale fierte tari, le tocam bucatele micute. Eu frecvent fierb ouale la , 7 minute pe Steam (cu grilajul pus si 250ml apa in vas).
Punem intr-un bol ouale, smantana, maioneza, ceapa verde, asezonam cu sare, piper si amestecam bine totul. E foarte buna si cu putin marar, eu nu am avut :) Un aperitiv minunat, extrem de gustos si satios :) Pofta mare! Salata de oua.
P.S. – Va recomand si aceste oua umplute cu bacon sau oua turcesti :) Si bineinteles ouale umplute cu maioneza, my all time favorites :D
Classic egg salad. A recipe I feel will be super googled these days, when we have lots of hard boiled eggs after Easter :) It’s super tasty, I love it especially on toast. Happy Easter!
- 8 eggs, hard boiled
- 3 tbsp sour cream
- 2 tbsp mayonnaise
- 1 tsp mustard
- 1 spring onion
- salt, pepper
Peel the hard boiled eggs and cut them into small pieces. I frequently boil the eggs with my pressure cooker, 7 min on Steam, with the rack on and 250 ml water in the pot.
Put the eggs in a bowl, add the sour cream, mayonnaise, spring onion, season with salt and pepper and mix very well. A wonderful appetizer, enjoy!