Azi avem in meniu o salata fresh de toamna, cu mere, struguri, scortisoara si quinoa. Nici nu stiu unde sa o incadrez, la salate, deserturi sau mic dejun. Eu cred ca o pot manca si la pranz sau cina chiar :)))))) E foarte gustoasa si parfumata :) Salata de quinoa, mere si struguri.
Ingrediente (2 portii):
- 100g quinoa
- 3 mere
- 200g struguri
- 50g stafide
- 1/2 lgt scortisoara
- 1 lg miere (optional)
- sucul de la 1/2 lamaie
- cateva frunze de menta
Fierbem quinoa (1 masura de quinoa in 2 masuri de apa) pana bobitele devin translucide, o scurgem apoi si o amestecam cu merele taiate cubulete, bobitele de struguri, stafidele, menta tocata si scortisoara. Adaugam si mierea si sucul de lamaie si amestecam bine tot. Bunnnnna de tot! :) Enjoy!
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Today’s menu features an autumn salad with apples, grapes, cinnamon and quinoa. I don’t even know in which category this recipe belongs to: salads, desserts or breakfast. I think I can eat it for lunch as well :))) Super tasty and full of flavor :)
Ingredients (2 servings):
- 100 g quinoa
- 3 apples
- 200 g grapes
- 50 g raisins
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tbsp honey (optional)
- juice from 1/2 lemon
- a couple of mint leaves
Boil the quinoa in 2 cups of water (1 cup quinoa+2 cups water) until the quinoa beans become translucent, then drain it and mix it with the chopped apples, grapes, chopped mint and cinnamon. Add the honey and lemon juice give it all a good stir. Super tasty!