Se pare ca sunt setata pe sfecla rosie in ultimul timp. Nu ca ar fi ceva rau, hey, nu e vorba de junk food sau alcool, e un „viciu” sanatos :) E plina de vitamine si atat de buna la gust ca efectiv o ador si o folosesc frecvent. Cum ar fi la aceasta salata, despre care nu ma pot decide daca e fel principal sau desert :)) Salata de sfecla rosie, portocale si nuci. O mancare de post sanatoasa, consistenta si superb colorata.
Ingrediente (2 portii):
- 3 bucati de sfecla rosie
- 1 portocala
- 50g nuci
- 100g struguri negri
- cateva frunzulite de menta
Spalam bine sfecla si o coacem aprox 2 ore, pana intra usor furculita in ea. Folosind niste manusi de unica folosinta, o curatam de coaja si o taiem bucati potrivite. Puteti folosi si sfecla gata fiarta, dar nu se compara la gust cu cea facuta in casa :)
Curatam portocala de coaja si o taiem felii. Pe o farfurie mare aranjam bucati de sfecla, felii de portocala, nuci, struguri si frunzulite de menta. Simplu si de efect :) Pofta mare!
I seem to be set on beetroot mode lately :)) Not that it’s a bad thing, it’s not like it’s junk food or alcohol, it’a healthy addiction :) It’s so filled with vitamins and so tasty that I adore it and like to use it in many ways. Like this beetroot, orange & walnut salad, I can’d decide if it’s a savory dish or dessert :)) A tasty, filling vegan meal in such beautiful colors.
Ingredients (2 servings):
- 3 beetroots
- 1 orange
- 50 g walnuts
- 100 g grapes
- a few mint leaves
Wash the beetroot and roast it for about 2 hours or until it’s easily penetrated with a fork. Using some rubber gloves, peel it and cut it into medium chunks. You can used already cooked beetroot, but the taste doesn’t compare to the one you roast yourself :)
Peel the orange and slice it. On a large plate arrange beetroot slices, orange slices, grapes, walnuts and mint leaves. Simple and delicious :) Enjoy!