Vremea absolut superba de afara ne imbie sa petrecem mai putin timp in bucatarie. Dar ceva sanatos si gustos eu trebuie neaparat sa pap pentru bebelusa, iar o salata de somon si avocado e solutia perfecta :)
Ingrediente (2 portii):
- 250g file de somon
- 1 avocado
- 4-5 rosii
- 2 castraveti cornichon
- 2 cepe verzi
- 2 tije de telina Apio
- salata verde cat cuprinde :)
- sucul de la o lamaie
- 2 lg ulei de masline
Gatim fileul de somon la cuptor cam 15 minute. Il puteti face si pe gratar, daca doriti. Spalam si taiem legumele dupa bunul plac, apoi le aranjam frumos in 2 farfurii sau bolur
i. Dupa ce s-a racit somonul il rupem fasiute si le adaugam peste salata, asezonam cu zeama de lamaie, ulei de masline, sare si piper. Zeama de lamaie e un „must”, altfel avocado se va face urat si negru :) Pofta mare!
The gorgeous weather outside makes us wanna spend less time in the kitchen. But I have to eat something tasty and healthy for my baby girl, and this salmon avocado salad id the perfect solution :)
Ingredients (2 servings):
- 250 g salmon file
- 1 avocado
- 4-5 tomatoes
- 2 small cucumbers
- 2 spring onions
- 2 celery sticks
- lettuce
- juice from 1 lemon
- 2 tbsp olive oil
Bake the salmon file in the oven for about 15 min. You can also grill it if you want. Wash and chop the vegetables, then nicely arrange them in 2 bowls or plates. Once the salmon has cooled, tear it into small pieces and add them over the salad, season with lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. The lemon juice is a must, otherwise the avocado will turn brownish and ugly :) Enjoy!