Cand ai o bebelusa mica si nazdravana, totul e pe fast-forward :) Daca inainte nu imi placea sa petrec ore in sir in bucatarie, acum nu mai am cum, nici sa vreau! :)) Prepar mancaruri rapide, simple si gustoase. Azi pentru masa de pranz am pregatit o delicioasa salata de ton si ardei copti. Gata in maxim 5 minute si astfel am avut mai mult timp sa ma joc cu printesa mea :)
Ingrediente (1 portie):
- 200g ton in suc propriu
- 3 ardei copti
- 50g masline negre
- 1/2 ceapa rosie mica
- cateva fire de patrunjel
- 1 lgt ulei de masline
- sare, piper dupa gust
Scurgem tonul de zeama si il rupem cu mana bucatele, tocam ceapa, patrunjelul, si ardeii copti. pe acestia i-am lasat fasii mai mari. Punem ingredientele intr-un bol, asezonam cu ulei de masine, sare si piper dupa gust si le amestecam. Gata pranzul :) Pofta mare!
When you have a playful adorable baby, everything’s on fast-forward :) If before I didn’t like spending hours in the kitchen, now I couldn’t even if I wanted to! :)) I make super quick, simple and tasty meals. Today for lunch I prepared a delicious tuna and roasted pepper salad. It was ready in maximum 5 minutes and I was able to spend more time playing with my princess :)
Ingredients (1 serving):
- 200 g tuna in brine
- 3 roasted bell peppers
- 50 g black olives
- 1/2 small red onion
- a few threads of parsley
- 1 tsp olive oil
- salt, pepper to taste
Drain the tuna and tear into chunks using your hands, chop the onion, parsley and roasted peppers. I roughly chopped the peppers. Place all the ingredients in a bowl, season with salt and pepper to taste and mix everything. Lunch’s ready! :) Enjoy!