Din gama ce mai gatim cand nu gatim :)), iata o salata simplissima, foarte satioasa, gustoasa, hranitoare, gata in 5 min, ce-ti mai poti dori intr-o zi calduroasa de vara? :) Salata de ton si avocado. Am pus mai putina maioneza, inlocuind restul cu smantana, dar merge si cu iaurt grecesc. Aceasta salata e super buna fie goala, fie pe paine prajita la micul dejun :)
Ingrediente (2 portii):
- 1 conserva de ton in suc propriu
- 2 tije de telina Apio
- 2 castraveti murati
- 1/2 avocado
- 1/2 ceapa rosie
- sucul de la 1/2 lamaie
- 3 lg smantana
- 1 lg maioneza
- 1/2 lgt sare
Scurgem bine tonul, tocam telina Apio, castravetii (eu am folosit mini castraveti murati), ceapa rosie. Taiem avocado trasand linii in interiorul fructului, apoi scoatem pulpa cu o lingura.
Amestecam sucul de lamaie, maioneza si smantana, sare si turnam dressingul peste celelalte ingrediente. Amestecam usor salata, sa se imbine frumos aromele si o savuram imediat. Pofta mare! :)
From the What do we cook when we don’t cook series :))) here is a super simple salad that’s tasty, filling and nutritious, plus ready in 5 min, what more can you wish on a hot summer day? Tuna avocado salad. I used sour cream and smaller amount of mayo, but you can also use Greek yogurt. this salad is so delicious either pain or on toast for breakfast :)
Ingrediente (2 servings):
- 1 can of tuna in brine
- 2 celery sticks
- 2 pickled cucumbers
- 1/2 avocado
- 1/2 red onion
- juice from 1/2 lemon
- 3 tbsp sour cream
- 1 tbps mayonnaise
- 1/2 lgt sare
Drain the tuna well, dice the celery sticks, cucumbers (I used mini pickled cucumbers), red onion. Cut the avocado by cutting the lines inside the fruit, then spoon out the pulp.
Mix the lemon juice, sour cream, salt and mayonnaise, then our the dressing over the other ingredients, gently combining everything well. Serve right away. Enjoy! :)