Experimentez de aproximativ 2 saptamani stilul de viata low carb/keto, dupa cum cred ca v-ati dat seama, si vreau sa va spun ca ma simt excelent din multe puncte de vedere: energie, calitatea somnului, nr de kg pe cantar, tonus, lipsa de pofte si stare psihica foarte buna :) Asa ca tot experimentez retete keto, sunt atata de gustoase si de hranitoare! :) Iar acest sandvis cald cu branza e pur si simplu WOW :)
Ingrediente (2 portii):
- 2 oua
- 50g unt topit
- 4 lg smantana lichida (60ml)
- 2 lg faina de cocos
- 2 lg faina de migdale
- 1 lgt praf de copt
- 2 felii cascaval/cheddar/emmentaler etc
- 2 felii de sunca (optional)
Batem ouale, apoi le amestecam cu untul topit, smantana lichida, faina de migdale si de cocos, praful de copt si un praf de sare. Impartim compozitia in 2 forme termorezistente, patrate sau rotunde, de care aveti, in functie de cum doriti sa arate sandvisul :)
Eu am folosit o forma termorezistenta patrata 15*15 cm unsa cu unt si tapetata cu hartie de copt. Coacem feliile de paine aprox 10 min la 180C, apoi pe scoatem din forme si le lasam la racit.
Incalzim panini/sandwich makerul (sau tigaia). Intre cele 2 felii de paine asezam cascavalul si taiemtotul pe jumatate, vom obtine 2 sandwichuri. Le gatim pe fiecare pana se rumenesc frumos si branza se topeste :) Le servim calddddde :) Yummmm!
*Reteta preluata si adaptata de aici.
I’ve been trying the keto/low carb lifestyle for about 2 weeks now and I feel great when it comes to: energy level, sleep quality, number on the scale, lack of cravings and great mood :) So I keep testing keto recipes, they are so tasty and nutritious! And this keto grilled cheese sandwich is just WOW :)
Ingredients (2 servings):
- 2 eggs
- 50 g melted butter
- 4 tbsp heavy cream (60 ml)
- 2 tbsp coconut flour
- 2 tbsp almond flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 2 slices of melting cheese cheddar/emmentaler etc
- 2 slice of ham (optional)
Whisk the eggs, then mix them with the melted butter, heavy cream, almond and coconut flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt. Divide the mixture into 2 heat proof dishes, square or round, whatever you have or how you want the sandwich to look like :)
I used a square 15*15 cm pan greased with butter and lined with baking paper. Bake the bread slices for about 10 min at 180 C, then remove them form the pan and let them cool.
Heat the panini/sandwich maker (or pan). Add the cheese slices between the 2 slices of bread, cut it in 2, in order to get 2 sandwiches. Cook each sandwich in the panini maker until the are crisp and the cheese has melted nicely :) Serve them hot! Yummmm! :)
My wife made this yesterday and it was so good! Thank you so much for sharing!