M-am trezit cu pofta de rontait si profit de putinul timp liber ramas pana ma intorc la birou ca sa ma relaxez, gatind :) Am facut niste saratele cu branza geniale in cadrul campaniei „Gatim romaneste si fara gluten cu Schar„, gustoase si crocante, yummy! :) Mixul Schar pentru paine neagra e minunat, contine fibre datorita semintelor de in, fainii de hrisca, taratelor de orez si psyllium-ului din compozitie :)


  • 300g faina Schar pentru paine neagra
  • 150g telemea
  • 150g unt
  • 1 ou
  • 1 lgt sare
  • 150g iaurt grecesc
  • 1 ou (pentru uns)
  • 2-3 lg seminte: mac, susan, chimen etc. (pt topping)

Dam pe razatoare untul si branza telemea, apoi amestecam toate ingredientele (mai putin cele pt topping: oul pentru uns si semintele), framantand bine aluatul pe blatul de lucru. Modelam o bila din aluat, o invelim in folie alimentara si o introducem la rece 10 minute.

Intindem aluatul cu sucitorul intr-o foaie de grosime medie si decupam saratelele cu o rotita zimtata sau cu orice forme dorim. Le transferam pe o foaie tapetata cu hartie de copt, le ungem cu ou si presaram deasupra semintele preferate. Le coacem 15-17 min in cuptorul preincalzit la 170C, pana se rumenesc putin pe margini. Pofta mare! :)


I woke up in the mood for nibbling on something savory so I thought I’d enjoy the last days of maternity leave before going back to the office cooking:) I made these amazing cheese crackers that are gluten free, crunchy and crispy, yumm!


  • 300 g Schar dark bread flour mix
  • 150 g fresh cheese
  • 150 g butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 150 g Greek yogurt
  • 1 egg (for greasing)
  • 2-3 tbsp seeds: poppy, sesame, caraway etc. (for the topping)

Grate the butter and cheese then combine all of the ingredients (except topping ingredients, of course), knead the dough well and form a ball of dough. Wrap in clingfilm and place in the fridge to chill for 10 min.

Roll the dough in a medium thick sheet and cut out the cookies in your desired shapes. Transfer to a large tray lined with baking paper, grease with egg and sprinkle seeds on to. Bake for 15-17 min in the preheated oven at 170C, until lovely golden brown on the edges. Enjoy!

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