Dupa ce am facut saratelele keto cu branza la presa, bineinteles ca trebuia sa le fac si Ilincai si iubitului varianta non-keto, mai pe gustul lor :)) S-au declarat incantati, saratelele au iesit crocante si aromate si m-au rugat sa le mai fac :) Saratele cu branza si chimen la presa.
Ingrediente (40 de buc):
- 300g faina
- 100g telemea*
- 100g unt
- 350ml lapte
- 1 ou mare
- 1/2 lgt praf de copt
- 1/2 lgt bicarbonat de sodiu
- 1 lgt sare*
- 2 lg seminte de chimen
Preincalzim aparatul de facut saratele/conuri de inghetata (eu l-am cumparat pe al meu de AICI). Dam branza pe razatoare (sau o maruntim cu furculita) si topim untul. Amestecam bine cu mixerul toate ingredientele pana compozitia e lipicioasa si fluida, putin mai groasa ca cea de pancakes.
Punem cate 1 lingura din compozitie in aparatul incins si gatim saratica timp de 1.5-2 min, pana e suficient de rumena. O lasam la racit pe un gratar, repetam pana terminam aluatul. Ies cam 35-40 de buc, in functie de cat de mari le faceti. Pofta mare! :)
*Baby-friendly: omiteti sarea si folositi o branza nesarata: telemea desarata, ricotta sau branza de vaci.
After preparing the keto cheese thin crackers of course I had to make the non-keto version my my daughter and husband, they are not into keto :)) they were very pleased with the result, the crackers turned out crisp and delicious, they asked me to make some more :) Thin cheese caraway crackers.
Ingredients (40 pcs):
- 300 g flour
- 100 g cheese*
- 100 g butter
- 350 ml milk
- 1 big egg
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp salt*
- 2 tbsp caraway seeds
Preheat the bricelet cookie maker (thin cracker maker). Grate the cheese (or mash it with a fork) and melt the butter. Mix everything with a mixer until you get a fluid sticky dough, a little thicker than pancake dough.
Place 1 tablespoon of the dough into the cookie maker and cook for about 1.5-2 min, until crisp and brown enough. Let it cool on a rack, then repeat until you run out of dough. These quantities make about 35-40 pcs, depending on the size of the crackers. Enjoy! :)
*Baby-friendly: skip the salt and use an unsalted cheese: desalted cheese, ricotta or cottage cheese.