Nici nu stiu daca pot le pot numi „reteta”, sa le zicem mai degraba „truc in bucatarie” :)) Dar de cand am postat pe Instagram si Facebook aceste saratele din 3 ingrediente, au avut MEGA succes, atat in online, cat si acasa la ai mei, dar si oriunde le-am dus, prin vizite pe la prieteni :) Ilinca si tati imi cer mereu sa fac, asa ca tin constant in congelator un aluat de foietaj :))
- 1 pachet de aluat foietaj (400g)
- 1 galbenus
- 150g cascaval
Mod de preparare
Decongelam aluatul de foietaj, il asezam direct in tava intinsa pe o hartie de copt. Il ungem cu galbenusul batut, apoi presaram 100g cascaval ras deasupra.
Eu prima data am decupat intai saratelele, apoi le-am uns cu ou si presarat cu cascaval, e ok si asa, works either way :)
Taiem saratelele, eu am folosit o rola zimtata pentru patiserie, sa arate dragut :) Introducem tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C si coacem saratelele 20 de min pana sunt rumene, pufoase si frumoase 😍🤤
For a final touch, dupa ce scoatem tava din cuptor, presaram restul de cascaval ras fin. Dementa, pofta mare! P.S. – Va recomand si faimosii biscuiti pufosi cu branza :) Saratele din 3 ingrediente
I don’t even know if I can call these a recipe, rather a „kitchen hack” :)) But when I posted this 3 ingredient cheese cracker recipe on Social Media, they turned out to be a massive hit :) Ilinca and my honey love them and keep requesting them, so I keep a stash of puff pastry in my freezer :)
- 1 pack of puff pastry (400 g)
- 1 egg yolk
- 150 g cheese
Defrost the puff pastry, place it on a baking tray, on a sheet of baking paper. Grease it with the beaten egg yolk and sprinkle 100 g of grated cheese on top.
The first time I tries this, I cut the crackers first, and then greased them with egg wash and added the cheese, that is ok, too, it works either way :)
Cut the crackers, I used a wavy pastry cutter, to make them look pretty :) Bake at 180 C until lovely golden and well puffed 😍🤤
For a final touch, after taking the tray out of the oven, finely grate the rest of the cheese over the hot crackers. Insanely good, enjoy! P.S. – I also recommend my famous fluffy cheese biscuits :)