Cand am vazut reteta Nataliei de vafe crocante keto, mi-am comandat imediat aparatul de facut saratele/conuri de inghetata :)) (Il gasiti AICI la reducere). Si pe langa reteta ei minunata, am stiu ca vreau sa fac o reteta de saratele keto subtiri cu branza si chimen :) Super bune si crocante au iesit! Le recomand calduros pentru ceva bun si sanatos de rontait. Si uitati-va la ele cum arata, juri ca sunt cumparate :D (25 buc a cate 1 g carbs net si 65 cal)
Ingrediente (25 de buc):
- 100g faina de migdale
- 1 lg faina de cocos
- 50g parmezan + mozzarella
- 2 oua
- 50g unt
- 150g smantana
- 1 lg seminte de chimen
- 1/2 lgt praf de copt
- 1 lgt guma xantan (optional)
Preincalzim aparatul de facut saratele. Topim untul, radem fin mozzarella si parmezanul, apoi amestecam toate ingredientele cu o lingura. Formam din aluatul obtinut, care e moale si putin lipicios, 25 de bilute egale.
Gatim in aparat fiecare biluta cam 1.5-2 min, in functie de marime si de gradul de incalzire al aparatului pana saratica e frumos rumenita. O luam usor cu o spatula si o lasam sa se raceasca.
E foarte important sa nu desfacem aparatul inainte de minim 1 min, pentru ca se poate dezmembra saratica :)) Eu am patit asta, insa le-am gatit in continuare si a fost ok.
Repetam pana terminam bilutele. Au cateva gaurele mici in centru, insa e normal, nu e nici o problema :) Calde sunt putin moi, trebuie luate cu grija cu o spatula, insa dupa ce se racesc devin mai ferme si crocante. Si se lasa la racit rasfirate, nu unele peste altele, pentru a nu se inmuia ;) Rontaiala placuta!
When I saw Natalia’s keto thin bricelet recipe I bought my own device right away :)) And besides her great recipe, I knew I wanted to do a version of the cheese cumin crackers, keto style. They turned out so good and crunchy! A perfect healthy snack to nibble on and just look how pretty they are, you could swear they are store bought! :D
Ingredients (25 pcs):
- 100 g almond flour
- 1 tbsp coconut flour
- 50 g Parmesan + mozzarella
- 2 eggs
- 50 g butter
- 150 g sour cream
- 1 tbsp caraway seeds
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp xanthan gum (optional)
Preheat the bricelet cookie device. Melt the butter, grate the mozzarella and Parmesan and mix all the ingredients. Mold 25 even balls out of the sticky dough.
Cook each ball for about 1.5-2 min, depending on the size and how how the device is, but they should be golden brown on the edges. Gently remove each cookie with a spatula and place on a rack to cool.
Repeat until you finish the balls. They have a couple of small holes in the center, but they are ok like that :) While they are hot they are a little soft, but they harden and become crisp once cooled. Let them cool widely spread on a surface, not one over the other, otherwise they get a little soft. Happy nibbling! :)