De cand am facut prima data minunatele lipii keto (reteta aici), stiam ca TREBUIE sa incerc si o shaorma de casa cu ele :)) Asa ca azi le-am refacut, chiar si mai frumoase, pentru ca le-am taiat cu un castron, dandu-le o forma perfect rotunda :) Aceasta shaorma low carb este o mancare foarte simpla si rapida, hranitoare si delicioasa. (Lipiile au cate 2g net carbs si 170 cal)
Ingrediente (4 portii):
- 4 lipii keto (reteta aici)
- 250g carne de pui, gatita
- 1/2 lgt boia, pudra de usturoi
- 4 lgt maioneza
- 4 lgt ketchup fara zahar (preferatul meu e acesta)
- 2 rosii
- 2 castraveti murati
- salata verde
- 1 ceapa rosie mica
- varza rosie
Eu am folosit direct resturi de friptura de pui, dar o idee foarte buna e sa taiati fasiute carnea gatita si sa o rumeniti putin in tigaie cu putin ulei de masline, boia si pudra de usturoi :) Merge foarte bine si cu friptura facuta la slow cooker (reteta aici).
Ungem fiecare lipie cu maioneza (maioneza de avocado e o optiune interesanta, pt o shaorma „with a twist” :), apoi cu ketchup, asezam fasiute de friptura de pui, felii de rosii si de castraveti murati, ceapa tocata, frunze de salata.
Puteti adauga si varza rosie tocata daca doriti, eu nu am avut. Rulam bine lipiile umplute si le servim imediat. Cea mai buna si sanatoasa shaorma! :) Shaorma low carb.
Even since I made these amazing keto tortillas (recipe here) , I just KNEW I HAD TO make a shaorma with them :)) Today I made the tortillas again, but in a better round shape, by using a bowl to cut them perfect round :) This amazing low carb shaorma is so simple, tasty and nutritious (Tortillas have 2g net carbs and 170 cal each)
Ingredients (4 servings):
- 4 keto tortillas (recipe here)
- 250 g chicken, cooked
- 1/2 tsp paprika, garlic powder
- 4 tsp mayonnaise
- 4 tsp sugar free ketchup
- 2 tomatoes
- 2 pickled cucumbers
- lettuce leaves
- 1 small red onion
- red cabbage
I used plain leftover cooked chicken that I shredded, but it’s better if you cook the leftover meat in a pan with some olive oil and spices like sweet paprika and garlic powder. This shaorma goes very well with tender slow cooked steak :) (recipe here).
Spread 1 teaspoon of ketchup and mayonnaise on each flatbread (avocado mayonnaise is an interesting option, for a shaorma with a twist :), add the shredded meat, tomato slices, pickled cucumber, chopped onion and lettuce.
You can add also chopped red cabbage if you want, I didn’t have any. Tightly roll the tortillas and serve right away. best and healthier st homemade shaorma! :)