Curmalele sunt fructele mele deshidratate preferate si le folosesc foarte des, fie in preparate, fie le mananc asa, goale, ca gustare dulce rapida :) Contin multe vitamine, A, D, complexul B, fier si magneziu. Iata ca din ele se poate prepara un indulcitor natural super bun si sanatos: siropul de curmale. E ideal pentru a fi adaugat in preparatele bebelusilor si copiilor, mai ales ca mierea e permisa abia de la 1 an, aviz mamicilor :)
- 150g curmale fara samburi
- 200ml* apa plata
- 1 lgt zeama de lamaie
Hidratam curmalele in apa timp de jumatate de ora, apoi le introducem in blender alaturi de apa in care au stat si o lingurita de zeama de lamaie. Mixam bine pana obtinem un piure fin, pe care il depozitam pana la 10 zile in frigider, intr-un borcan inchis ermetic.
*Cantitatea de apa necesara depinde foarte mult de tipul curmalelor (de cat de moi sunt acestea) si de consistenta dorita de sirop (mai gros, mai subtire). Cel mai bine e sa porniti de le aceste cantitati si sa adaugati, in functie de dorinta, mai multa sau mai multe curmale. Pofta mare!
Date are my favorite dried fruit and I use them often, either in cakes, or I just eat them plain, for a quick snack :) They contain plenty of vitamins, A, D, B, iron and magnesium. You can make a natural sweetener out of them: date syrup. It’s perfect for adding to babies and toddlers dessert, especially since honey is allowed after 1 year :)
- 150 g pitted dates
- 200 ml* water
- 1 tsp lemon juice
Soak the dates a in a little water for 30 min, then place them in the blender along with the soaking water and teaspoon of lemon juice. Blend well until smooth and creamy. Store in an airtight jar for up to 10 days.
*The water quantity may variate depending on the type of dates (how soft they are) and the desired consistency (thicker, more fluid). It’s best to start from these quantities and add more water or dates, it’s up to you. Enjoy!