Sirop de ghimbir de casa. Am descoperit ca aveam in frigider 2 caserole de ghimbir bio, care oricum nu tine mult in general si m-am gandit sa fac dintr-una o portie de sirop de ghimbir. Stiti berea de ghimbir, aceea la butelcuta maro ? E bautura mea preferata, asa caaaa… doar adaugand apa minerala la siropul meu am obtinut propria bautura racoritoare facuta in casa si fara zahar! Me so happy, Doamne, cum de nu mi-a venit ideea asta pana acum? :))))
- 150g ghimbir
- 200g indulcitor (eritritol, xylitol, tagatoza sau Green Sugar)
- 400ml apa
- pentru servire: apa minerala, felii de lamaie gheata, frunze de menta
Decojim ghimbirul si il feliem subtire, eu am folosit o razatoare mandolina. Am obtinut 125g ghimbir dupa decojire. Punem pe foc intr-o cratita apa, feliutele de ghimbir si indulcitorul.
Eu am folosit xylitol si Green Sugar, stiu ca pare ca am pus mult, insa e un sirop concentrat, se dilueaza cu apa :) Fierbem totul cam 10-15 min, apoi lasam siropul ase raceasca, il strecuram si il turnam in sticlute. Nu este gros, ca un sirop cu zahar, insa bautura finala e foaaarte gustoasa :) Am folosit 2 sticlute de 250ml.
Pentru servire punem 2 linguri pline intr-un pahar cam de 200-250ml, adaugam apa minerala rece cata doriti, in functie de cat de dulce vreti sucul. Adaugam si gheata, felii de lamaie si, optional, menta sau salvie, mie inca nu mi-a crescut menta in gradina, asa ca am pus salvie :) Enjoy!
I discovered I had 2 packs of fresh organic ginger in my fridge, and they don’t last too long, so I thought of what I could make from them. Ginger beer was the first thing that came into my mind, do you know those delicious ginger beer cute bottles? Just adding sparkling water to my syrup you get your own homemade ginger beer AND sugar free! Me so happy, God, how didn’t I think of this until now? :))))
- 150 g fresh ginger
- 200 g sweetener (erythritol, xylitol, tagatesse or Green Sugar)
- 400ml water
- for serving: sparkling water, lemon slices, ice cubes, mint leaves
Peel the ginger and slice it thinly, I used a mandoline grater. I got 125g of ginger after peeling it. Place it in a saucepan, add the water and sweetener and bring to a boil.
I used xylitol and Green Sugar, I know it may seem a lot of sweetener, but this is a concentrated syrup, you ad water to it :) Boil everything for about 10-15 min, then let the syrup cool, strain and pour into bottles. I got 2 bottles of 250ml each. This is not thick syrup, like sugar syrup,but the final drink is so delicious!
For serving pour about 2 tablespoons of syrup in a 200-250ml glass, add cold sparkling water depending on how sweet you want the drink. Also add ice cubes, lemon slices and, optional, fresh mint or sage leaves. Enjoy!
Ce simplu mi se pare reteta de mai sus! Trebuie sa cumpar radacina de ghimbir si incerc si eu siropelul. Ca si indulcitor natural, o sa folosesc xilit.