Imi place foarte mult caramelul atat pentru aroma sa, cat si pentru versatilitate: se poate folosi la multe deserturi: clatite, inghetata de vanilie, budinca, tot felul de prajituri si multe altele. Bineinteles ca cel din comert nu ma satisface pentru ca are o lista lunga de ingrediente, asa ca m-am apucat de treaba :)
Siropul meu vegan de caramel e divin. Nu contine unt, smantana sau zahar alb, ceea ce e foarte bine. Si e asa bun si dulce… :)
- 1 cana crema de cocos (250ml)
- 3/4 cana zahar de cocos (150g)
- 2 lg sirop de artar
- 2 lg ulei de cocos
- 1/2 lgt pudra de vanilie
- 1 praf de sare
Punem pe foc intr-o craticioara crema de cocos, zaharul si siropul de artar, amestecand bine cu un tel. Aducem in punctul de fierbere, apoi micsoram flacara si lasam la fiert pentru aprox 10 min, amestecand incontinuu. Adaugam uleiul de cocos, vanilia si praful de sare.
Amestecam bine pana la omogenizare si lasam la racit. Siropul se va mai ingrosa putin pe masura ce se raceste :) Se pastreaza la frigider. Pofta mare!
I really love caramel and not only for the flavor, but also for its versatility: it can be used in so many desserts: pancakes, vanilla ice cream, pudding, all sorts of cakes and many more. But I surely don’t like the store bought one because it has a long ingredient list, so I got down to business :)
My vegan caramel syrup is divine. It doesn’t contain butter, cream or white sugar, which is very good if you ask me. It’s just so delicious and sweet… Mmmmm… :)
- 1 cup coconut cream (250ml)
- 3/4 cup coconut sugar (150g)
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
- 1 pinch of salt
Heat the milk in a pan along with the coconut cream, sugar and maple syrup, constantly stirring. Bring to a boil, then lower the heat, let it boil for about 10 min and keep stirring. Add the coconut oil, vanilla and pinch of salt. Whisk well then set aside to chill. The syrup will thicken as it’s cooling :) Store it in the fridge. Enjoy!