Am cumparat o plasuta de 5 avocado, toate foarte coapte, asa ca am dat o cautare pe Pinterest, pentru a vedea ce pot face cu ele :) Am descoperit acest smoothie super simplu, dar atat de cremos si bun: smoothie cu banana si avocado. Este foarte consistent, deci nu il beti la gustare, ci in loc de mic dejun. Si are o culoare absolut superba, nu vi se pare? :)

Ingrediente (1 portie):

  • 1 avocado mic
  • 1 banana
  • 250ml lapte (de care preferati)
  • 1 lgt de miere/sirop de artar*
  • cateva cuburi de gheata (optional)

Taiem fructul de avocado, pe jumatate, inlaturam samburele, apoi scoatem pulpa cu o lingura. Decojim banana si o taiem bucatele, apoi introducem toate ingredientele in blender, mixand bine pana obtinem un smoothie fin si cremos. Se bea imediat, pentru ca avocado se oxideaza repede.

*Baby-friendly: pentru copii mai mici de 1 an renuntati la miere sau folositi sirop de artar, insa ideal e sa nu ii obisnuiti prea devreme pe cei mici cu dulcele. Smoothieul este gustos si neindulcit, banana e suficienta :) Reteta inspirata de aici.

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I bought a pack of 5 avocados, all super ripe, so I browsed Pinterest in search of avocado recipes :) I discovered this super simple smoothie, extremely creamy: avocado banana smoothie. It’s very rich, so don’t drink it as a snack, more likely replace breakfast whit it :) And it has a superb color, dob’t you think? :)

Ingredients (1 serving):

  • 1 small avocado
  • 1 banana
  • 250 ml milk (your favorite kind)
  • 1 tsp honey/maple syrup*
  • ice cubes (optional)

Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit and spoon out the pulp. Peel the banana and slice it, then just blend all the ingredients until smooth and creamy. Drink right away, because the avocado oxydates.

*Baby-friendly: for babies under 1 year skip the honey or use maple syrup, but it’s best not to get babies used to the sweet taste from such young ages, besides, the banana adds enough sweetness :)

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