
Vara si toamna sunt anotimpurile mele preferate pentru ca e mereu plin de fructe si legume si vreau sa va zic ca o runda de cumparaturi prin piata ma atrage mai mult decat una la mal!! :)) V-am pregatit un smoothie absolut delicios cu fructe zemoase si parfumate. Eu l-am preparat artistic in 3 straturi, dar daca nu vreti sa va complicati sau nu aveti timp, bagati la gramada totul in blender :))

Ingrediente (2 portii):

  • 300 ml lapte vegetal
  • 3 banane coapte
  • stratul galben – 200g piersici (sau mango/ananas)
  • stratul roz – 200g zmeura (sau capsuni/cirese/visine)
  • stratul mov – 200g mure sau (afine/dude/struguri negri)

Punem in blender pe rand, cate 100ml de lapte vegetal si cate o banana. Procesam pana la omogenizare, apoi adaugam fructele corespunzatoare culorilor: piersicile, zmeura si murele.

Daca le faceti in ordinea aceasta, nu e nevoie sa spalati blenderul, pentru ca avem culori din ce in ce mai inchise :) Turnam in pahare cele 3 amestecuri in ordinea in care dorim. Mie nu mi-au iesit prea egale, dar a contat mai putin asta comparativ cu gustul :D Pofta mare!

*Reteta inspirata de aici


Summer and autumn are my favorite seasons because there are so many fruits and vegetables and I must confess going to the market is more appealing to me than shopping at the mall! :))  I prepared for you a delicious smoothie with lots of fresh, juicy fruit. I arranged it in 3 layers, but if you don’t want to complicate things or don’t have enough time, just throw everything into the blender :))

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 300 ml vegetable milk
  • 3 ripe bananas
  • yellow layer – 200 g peaches (or apricots/mango/pineapple)
  • pink layer – 200 g raspberry (or strawberries/cherries/sour cherries)
  • purple layer – 200 g blackberries (or blueberries/mulberries/black grapes)

Put in the blender 100 ml milk and one banana and blend until smooth. Then add the corresponding color fruit: peaches, raspberries and blackberries. If you prepare them in this order, you wont need to wash the blender because the colors are gradually darker :) Pour the 3 layers in glasses in the order you prefer. My layers didn’t turn out too equal, but that didn’t matter, the taste made it all worthwhile :D Enjoy!

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