Suntem in plin sezon al capsunilor si e pacat sa nu profitam de ele tocmai acum, sunt delicioase si bogate in calciu, magneziu, fier, sodiu si vitamine (citeste mai multe despre beneficiile lor aici). Azi mi-am pregatit un super smoothie de capsuni pe care l-am imbogatit cu seminte de canepa, de chia si putin tahini. Sanatate curata! :)
- 500g capsuni
- 2-3 lg sirop de artar* (sau indulcitorul preferat, dupa gust)
- 250ml lapte de migdale
- 2 lg seminte de canepa
- 1 lg seminte de chia
- 1 lgt tahini
- cateva frunze de menta
Mixam toate ingredientele in blender pana la omogenizare, gustam si daca mai e nevoie mai adaugam indulcitor, in functie de preferintele noastre. Turnam smoothie-ul in pahare si il savuram :) Pofta mare!
*Keto/Low-carb: folositi un indulcitor adecvat: eritritol, tagatoza, Green Sugar, xylitol dupa gust.
It’s the season of strawberries and we really should take advantage as much as possible, they’re delicious and high in calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium and vitamins. Today I made myself a super strawberry smoothie and I enriched it with hemp seeds, chia seeds and a hint of tahini. So delicious and healthy! :)
- 500 g strawberries
- 2-3 tbsp maple syrup (or favorite sweetener, to taste)
- 250 ml almond milk
- 2 tbsp hemp seeds
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 1 tsp tahini
- a couple of mint leaves
Blend all the ingredients in the blender until smooth and silky, taste and add more sweetener if necessary, depending on your preference. Pour the smoothie in cute glasses and enjoy :)