Dupa mesele imbelsugate de sarbatori simt nevoia de multe fructe, legume si mancaruri usoare, voi nu? O idee buna e sa inlocuiti micul dejun, de exemplu, cu un smoothie energizant dulce acrisor plin de vitamine si fibre :) Smoothie de mere si merisoare, pentru ca nu rezist sa nu cumpar merisoare proaspete cand le gasesc la Mega si cu multa vitamina C :)

Ingrediente (1 portie):

Curatam banana de coaja, scoatem cotorul marului si introducem in blender toate ingredientele. Mixam bine pana suntem multumiti de cremozitatea smoothie-ului, apoi il savuram imediat :) Pofta mare!

Cantitatile sunt pentru 1 portie si sunt foarte usor de dublat.


After Christmas super rich lunches with my family I really feel the need of light and healthy foods, like fruit, veggies, salads. It seems to me a good idea to replace breakfast for example with a nutritious smoothie packed with fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and lots of vitamin C: apple cranberry smoothie, because I can’t not buy fresh cranberries when I see them :)

Ingredients (1 serving):

  • 150 g fresh cranberries
  • 1 apple
  • 1/2 banana
  • 200 ml almond milk
  • 1 tbsp hemp seeds
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp vegetable protein powder (optional)

Peel the banana, core the apple and simply blend all the ingredients. blend until satisfied with the creaminess, then serve right away :) Enjoy!

These quantities make 1 serving and are very east to double.

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