De cand am AirFryer-ul din 2016 nu stiu cum am facut, dar nu am apucat sa testez un snitel „ca la mama” :) Azi pentru ca am avut niste carnita gata taiata si fragezita pentru snitel, am facut snitele keto in crusta de faina de migdale, faina de cocos si parmezan. Crocante si aromate, iar parmezanul adauga un plus de savoare :) Snitele keto la AirFryer. Super bune cu piure de conopida si un cub de unt, miam! :)

Ingrediente (8 buc):

  • 500g muschi de porc
  • 2 oua
  • 60g faina de migdale
  • 2 lg faina de cocos
  • 30g parmezan ras fin
  • 1/4 lgt sare
  • 1 praf de piper
  • 2 lg ulei de masline/cocos

Incingem Airfryerul la 200C, taiem felii subtiri carnea si le fragezim cu batatorul. Pregatim 2 boluri, intr-unul batem ouale, in altul amestecam ingredientele uscate: faina de migdale, faina de cocos, parmezanul, sarea si piperul.

Trecem fiecare bucata de snitel prin amestecul de ou, apoi prin cel uscat, o mozolim bine sa fie imbracata in amestec, dar nu prea mult :) Asezam cateva snitelein AirFryer, astfel incat sa nu se suprapuna si pulverizam putin ulei peste ele.

Eu le-am „prajit” in transe de cate 3, am avut niste bucatele micute. Gatim snitelele cam 20-25 de min, iar cu vreo 7-8 min inainte sa se scurga timpul, mai pulverizam putin ulei peste ele, sa se rumeneasca frumos. Pofta mare!


Since owning an AirFryer in 2016, I don’t know how I managed, but I never tried a proper schnitzel recipe in it :) So today because I had some prepared pork tenderloin, I made the most delicious keto schnitzel in a crust made from almond flour, coconut flour and Parmesan. So tasty and savory, they are just yummy with some cauliflower mash a acube of butter, yummm! :) Keto AirFried Schnitzel.

Ingredients (8 pcs):

  • 500 g pork tenderloin
  • 2 eggs
  • 60 g almond flour
  • 2 tbsp coconut flour
  • 30 g finely grated Parmesan
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 2 tbsp olive/coconut oil

Preheat the AirFryer to 200 C, thinly slice the meat and beat it with a special tool. Prepare 2 separate bowl. in 1 beat the eggs, in another one mix the dry ingredients: almond, coconut flour, Parmesan, salt and pepper.

Dip every meat slice in the egg mix, then into the dry one, covering it evenly in the dry mix, but not too much :) Place a couple of pieces in the AirFryer, making sure they don’t overlap. Spray a little oil over them.

I „fried” mine in batches of 3, because they were pretty small. Cook for about 20-25 min, spraying a little more oil over them in the last 7-8 min, to brown nicely. Enjoy!

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