Ajunge cu atatea dulciuri, sa mai mancam si mancare serioasa, nu? :))))  Azi v-am pregatit o mancare delicioasa in premiera: somon cu fenicul la cuptor. Carnea savuroasa de somon este completata perfect de feniculul usor crocant si mentolat. Serviti cu un pahar de vin alb si succesul e garantat :)

Ingrediente (2 portii):

  • 2 fileuri de somon
  • 2 bulbi de fenicul
  • 100g rosii cherry
  • 50g masline negre
  • 300ml vin alb
  • 1/2 lamaie
  • cateva fire de patrunjel
  • sare, piper

Taiem feniculul solzisori pe care ii punem intr-o tava termorezistenta. Asezam deasupra rosiile cherry taiate in jumatati si maslinele. Si cateva felii de lamaie pentru efectul artistic :)

Amestecam vinul cu zeama de lamaie si turnam totul in mancare, asezonam cu sare si piper si coacem totul 30 de minute la 190C, pana feniculul e patruns, dar nu foarte moale. Textura usor crocanta e minunata :) Adaugam si fileurile de somon si mai lasam totul la cuptor inca 15 min. Presaram patrunjel tocat deasupra si servim. Enjoy!

*Reteta adaptata de aici


Enough with all these sweets, let’s have some proper food! :)) Today I prepared a special dish for the first time: roasted salmon with fennel. The sweet savory salmon meat is completed by the crunchy minty fennel. Served with a glass of white wine, success guaranteed :)

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 2 salmon files
  • 2 fennel bulbs
  • 100 g cherry tomatoes
  • 50 g black olives
  • 300 ml white wine
  • 1/2 lemn
  • a few parsley threads
  • salt, pepper

Thinly slice the fennel and arrange in a baking tray. Place the tomatoes cut in halves and olives. And a couple of lemon slices, for a pretty view :) Pour the wine and lemon juice on top, season with salt and pepper and bake for about 30 min at 190 C, until the fennel is done, but not too soft. the crunchy texture is lovely :) Add the salmon on top and bake for 15 more minutes. Sprinkle chopped parsley on top and serve. Enjoy!

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