Azi avem in meniu un super sos delicios de caramel keto, perfect pentru: clatite, torturi, prajituri (vezi prajitura asta cu caramel, miammmy!), fructe sau mancat gol :) Eu sunt mare fana caramel si cand am descoperit aceasta reteta cu Green Sugar Gold am fost mega incantata :)
- 100g unt
- 40g Green Sugar Gold
- 10 pic Green sugar caramel
- 200ml smantana lichida (neindulcita*)
- 1 lgt guma xantan (optional)
- 2 lgt cafea instant
Topim untul intr-o craticioara nonaderenta pana isi schimba putin culoarea, adaugam apoi Green Sugar Gold, picaturile de Green Sugar caramel, smantana lichida neindulcita si guma xanthan. Aceasta are rol de ingrosare, dar poate fi omisa.
Adaugam si putina cafea instant daca dorim, pentru culoare. Amestecam constant cu un tel, tinand caramelul pe foc pana se ingroasa. Il depozitam intr-un borcan de sticla in frigider. Se consuma repede, in 2-3 zile, dar chiar NU e o problema asta :))
*Smantana lichida fara caragenan am gasit pana acum doar aceste 3 sortimente: Laptaria cu Caimac, Sanlacta, si Ken Nata (cu 35% sau 38% grasime, se cumpara doar online). Daca ati mai descoperit vreun alt brand, dati-mi de stire :)
Today’s menu features a wonderful keto caramel sauce, perfect for pancakes, cakes (check out this amazing keto caramel cake), fruit or eaten just plain, with a spoon :) I am a big caramel fan, so I was really excited to discover this recipe :)
- 100 g butter
- 40 g Green Sugar Gold (caramel stevia erythritol granulated blend)
- 10 drops Green sugar caramel (caramel stevia erythritol liquid sweetener)
- 200 ml heavy cream, unsweetened
- 1 tsp xanthan gum (optional)
- 2 tsp instant coffee
Melt the butter in a nonstick saucepan, then add the sweeteners, granulated and liquid, heavy cream and xanthan. The xanthan has a thickening role, but it can be skipped.
Add a little instant coffee, if you like, for extra color. Constantly stir with a whisk and cook over medium heat until it thickens. Store in a glass jar in the fridge and eat within 2-3 days. But that;s really not a problem! :))