Dragii mei, azi vreau sa va dezvalui reteta acestui super sos de legume coapte, e genial! Si are o gramada de posibile utilizari: merge intins pe paine, ca sos pentru paste sau ca aperitiv alaturi de chipsuri, saratele, biscuiti sarati (noi adoram biscuitii pufosi cu branza, reteta aici) si bastonase de legume, e superrr bun la gust :) Sos de legume coapte.

Ingrediente (4-6 portii):

  • 250ml suc de rosii
  • 2 morcovi mari
  • 1 ceapa
  • 2 ardei (1 capia, 1 galben)
  • 1 pastarnac maricel
  • un pumn de rosii cherry (sau 1 rosie)
  • 3 catei de usturoi
  • 2 lg ulei de masline
  • 1/2 lgt oregano
  • 1/2 lgt boia dulce
  • sare, piper*

Curatam morcovii si pastarnacul de coaja, taiem toate legumele bucati portrivite si le asezam pe o tava. Adaugam sare, piper, oregano, boia (merge si cimbru), turnam ulei de masline deasupra si coacem totul in cuptorul preincalzit la 170C cu ventilatie, cam 30 de min.

E important sa le coaceti cu ventilatie, se rumenesc foarte frumos asa :) Apoi punem in blender/robotul de bucatarie sosul de rosii si legumele coapte (cu tot cu zeama lasata de ele) si mixam, dar nu mult, pentru ca vrem sa ramana putina textura de la legume. Atat :) Cel mai bun sos de legume ever!

Galerie foto

Baby friendly: omiteti sarea si folositi piper cu masura, fiind iritant gastric.


Guys, I’ve got the most amazing veggie dip recipe for you, it’s unbelievably yummy! And super versatile, you can use it: on toast, as sauce for pasta or as an appetizer next to chips, savory biscuits/crackers and veggie sticks, it’s super tasty! :)

Ingredients (4-6 servings):

  • 250 ml organic tomato juice
  • 2 large carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 1 bell peppers
  • 1 big parsnip root
  • a handful cherry tomatoes (or 1 tomato)
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp oregano
  • 1/2 tsp sweet paprika
  • salt, pepper

Peel the carrots and parsnip, the cut all the vegetables into medium sized pieces. Place them on a tray and season them with salt, pepper, oregano, paprika, (thyme also works). Drizzle over oil over and bake everything in the preheated oven at 170, ventilation on for about 30 min.

It’s important to bake them with the ventilation on, they become more tasty like this :) Place the tomato juice and veggies (including the juice they left in the tray) and blend a little, not too much, you want to have some texture from the veggies. That’s it! The best veggie dip ever! :)

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