O mancare extrem de rapida si gustoasa, cu accente asiatice: stir-fry de somon cu vinete si ciuperci. Multe legume, seminte crocante de susan, somon gustos, sos asiatic aromat… Noua ne-a placut foarte mult reteta, o incercati si voi? :)
Ingrediente (2 portii):
- 2 fileuri de somon
- 250g ciuperci champignon
- 50g rosii uscate la soare
- 1/2 vanata medie
- 75g masline verzi
- 1 lg ulei de masline
- 1 lg seminte de susan
- 2 lg sos de soia/sos Tamari (fara gluten)
- cateva fire de patrunjel
Intr-o tigaie bine incinsa punem putin ulei de masline si adaugam: somonul taiat cubulete mici, cubulete de vanata si ciupercile taiate in jumatati. Dupa ce somonul este gatit, adica nu mai este roz in interior, (aprox 8-10 min), adaugam rosiile uscate tocate grosier, maslinele, semintele de susan si sosul tamari.
Nu e nevoie sa adaugam sare, sosul tamari fiind sarat de fel. Mai lasam mancarea pe foc aprox 2 minute, pentru a se intrepatrunde aromele, amestecand mereu. O servim calda, cu patrunjel proaspat tocat deasupra :) Enjoy!
A quick and tasty Asian inspired meal: salmon, eggplant and mushroom stir-fry. Lots of veggies, crunchy sesame seeds, tasty salmon and tamari sauce… We loved it, will you give it a try as well? :)
Ingredients (2 servings):
- 2 salmon files
- 250 g champignon mushrooms
- 50 g sun-dried tomatoes
- 1/2 medium eggplant
- 75 g green olives
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tbsp sesame seeds
- 2 tbsp tamari sauce
- a few parsley threads
In a heated pan pour the olive oil and add the chopped salmon, eggplant cut into cubes and mushrooms cut in halves. Once the salmon is cooked, as in not pink in the center (approx 8-10 min), add the roughly chopped dried tomatoes, olives, sesame seeds and tamari sauce.
There’s no need to add extra salt, the tamari sauce is salty by nature. Let it all cook 2 more min, for the flavors to combine, constantly stirring. Serve hot, with freshly chopped parsley on top. Enjoy! :)