Primavara sucurile de fructe si legume mie una imi dau mai multa energie si ma feresc de astenie. Dar cel mai mult imi place sa experimentez diverse combinatii de ingrediente :) Azi am pregatit un suc de morcov, ananas si turmeric, super gustos si racoritor :) Turmericul este un super aliment care creste capacitatea ficatului de a elimina toxine, are un puternic efect antiinflamator, antibacterian, antiviral si multe alte beneficii. Mai multe informatii despre el gasiti aici.

Ingrediente (2 portii):

  • 300g ananas
  • 2 morcovi
  • 2 portocale
  • ghimbir (o bucatica de 2 cm)
  • 1/2 lgt turmeric pudra
  • 1-2 lgt sirop de agave (optional)

Spalam bine toate ingredientele, decojim portocalele si morcovii si le taiem pe toate felii potrivite, cat sa incapa in storcator. Introducem alternativ bucatile de fructe si ghimbirul taiat in 2 in slow juicer. La final adaugam pudra de turmeric, amestecam bine si servim. Puteti indulci putin bautura daca doriti, eu nu am considerat necesar :) Pofta mare!


In the springtime, fruit and veggie juices give me more energy, but most of all I like to experiment different combinations :) Today I made a super delicious carrot, pineapple and turmeric juice. Turmeric is a super food that increases the liver’s capacity to eliminate toxins, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, antibacterial, anti-viral and many more.

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 300 g pineapple
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 oranges
  • ginger (a 2 cm piece)
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1-2 tsp agave syrup (optional)

Wash the ingredients well, peel the oranges and carrots, then cut them all into medium pieces, small enough to fit the slow juicer. Start inserting the pieces in the slow juices, alternating the fruits and veggies with ginger pieces. In the end add the turmeric powder, stir and serve. You can add a little sweetener if you like. Enjoy!

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